(i) Jeremiah prophesied during the reigns of the last five kings of Judah (626-587 BCE).
(ii) The Assyrian Empire had collapsed and Judah was under the control of the Egyptians.
(iii) Judah became a vassal state of Egypt and paid yearly tribute to her.
(iv) After the collapse of the Egyptian empire by Babylon, Judah fell under the control of Babylon.
(v) Judah was eventually destroyed by Babylon in 587 BCE and her people deported to Babylon.
(vi) Judah experienced political instability because of not heeding Jeremiah's warning against political alliances with foreign nations. She was supposed to rely on God for her security.
(vii) There was oppression of widows, aliens, orphans and the innocent by those in power.
(viii) The rich acquired wealth through dishonest means such as bribery and grabbing of land.
(ix) People broke the social demands of the covenant by committing adultery, theft and murder.
(x) Priests and false prophets told lies.
(xi) The leaders and rulers had failed to lead the people in the Covenant way of Life.
(xii) The people of Judah were worshipping idols such Baal, Asherah, Molech, Chemosh, the sun and the moon gods.
(xiii) There was synecretism where Yahweh was worshipped alongside pagan gods.
(xiv) King Josiah's attempts to carry out religious reforms in Judah had failed.
(xv) Jeremiah had supported King Josiah's religious reforms.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 14, 2017 at 06:39
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