(i) In Kenya, animals graze outdoor throughout the year whereas in Denmark animals are kept indoors during winter.
(ii) In Kenya dairy farming is mainly practiced in the highlands whereas Denmark it is found throughout the country.
(iii) In Kenya research is limited whereas in Denmark research is extensive.
(iv) In Kenya artificial insemination services are limited to a few farms whereas in Denmark artificial insemination services are widely used.
(v) In Kenya dairy co-operative is least developed while in Denmark co-operative movement is highly developed.
(vi) In Kenya most of the dairy products are consumed by the domestic market whereas in Denmark the products are mainly exported.
(vii) In Kenya most farmers practice mixed farming while in Denmark dairy farming is highly specialized.
(viii) In Kenya, cattle mainly depend on naturally growing grass while in Denmark the cattle is fed on fodder.
(ix) In Kenya mechanization is limited/mainly labour intensive while in Denmark mechanization is widely used.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 14, 2017 at 08:46
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