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Read the extract below and answer the question that follows.


Read the extract below and answer the question that follow.

Comfort of a husband and children around her knees.When it came to making ruthless decisions,she equaled her mother.She would cut herself off from her people. She would seek another life,a different way.She had enough.For the first time she felt quite lucky to have a daughter.A son held one under much more obligation than did a daughter for he must be firmly rooted in his people from whom he would inherit land and from who he was inextricable.You might wander the world with your son but in the end you had to take him back to where he belonged-his fathers people. A girl,on the other hand ,was a wanderer who would settle anywhere and marry anywhere. Nyabera felt free to go.

Now in that village,Nyabera was full of bitterness and she decided that a change was necessary.For her there was obviously not meant to be the man once came dressed in a white robe and speaking of a new God who made meaning out of sorrow and suffering and who particularly liked the poor,the orphan and the widow.The man said to the latter,poor in the spirit,for having no earthly support,they could better trust in God.In fact he said that....for God so loved the people that he got live among us,suffer and die like man. Nyabera had to live at that point to attend to her chores.In any case,she had only listened with half ear,but having retentive mind,she had occasionally mulled over his words wondering what he might have meant.Two villagers had gone with the man-one a barren woman who was totally neglected by her husband;the other a man,one of the footloose types found in every village .The man returned a year later sporting a new name- pilipo -but what he said made no sense and no one took him seriously.The woman never returned.

a)Explain what happens before this extract.(4 marks)

b)Why is Nyabera full of bitterness(3 marks)
c)"A son held one under much more obligation than did a daughter for he must be firmly rooted in his people from whom he would inherit land and from whom he would inherit land and from whom he was inextricable"
Explain the meaning of this statement in context.Explain the meaning of this statement.(3 marks)

d)Identify and illustrate any two themes in this extract.(4 marks)
e)"Nyabera felt free to go"Explain the meaning of this statement(2 marks)
f)Immediately after this extract,Nyabera sets out to look for pipipo. what does she learn from him about the new religion(4 marks)
g)Illustrate any one feature of style evident in this extract (2 marks)
h)Mention and illustrate one character trait of Nyabera in this extract (2 marks)
i)"she had had enough......"(add an appropriate tag question)(1 mark)



a)Nyabera is inherited by Ogoma Kwach
-They get two children,both of whom die
-Ogoma however is determined to give Nyabera a son,so as to get a foothold on Nyabera's wealth.
-Hence he neglects his wife and spends more of his time with Nyabera
-When his wife reports him to jodongo,he is reprimanded

b)Because of being a widow,she has no comfort of a husband and no children around her except one girl.

c)A son belongs to the father's family

e)Nothing is stopping her her from seeking the new religion. Nyabera has no obstacle into seeking the new faith.
f)About God,Jesus who died for our sins.
g)Biblical allusion........'this God so loved people that he had sent his only son to live....'
h)Decisive..........'when it came to making ruthless decisions she equaled her mother.
i)She had had enough,hadn't she?
marto answered the question on June 14, 2017 at 09:38

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