Four Considerations to weigh when choosing an incubator include the following:
- Is it a True Incubator?—some office building owners falsely advertise themselves as incubators in order to lure tenants. Entrepreneurs need to study the details of each offer to determine whether such claims are legitimate.
- Length of Operation—"Incubators take time," some may go beyond their stipulated periods.
- Incubator Leadership—many analysts contend that entrepreneurs can learn a great deal about the fundamental quality of an incubator program simply by studying the program's leadership. Is the incubator managed by people with backgrounds in business, or by general college or agency administrators? Can the managers provide long-term business plans that show how they intend to guide the incubator to financial independence?
- Location—does the incubators’ setting adequately address your fledgling company's needs in terms of target market, transportation, competition, and future growth plans?
- Financing—is the incubators, financial base a reliable one, or is it on shaky ground?
marto answered the question on January 30, 2019 at 08:50
- Explain seven types of business incubators that promote the efficiency of entrepreneurship.(Solved)
Explain seven types of business incubators that promote the efficiency of entrepreneurship.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Define the term “Business incubators.(Solved)
Define the term “Business incubators.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
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Explain the essential guideline for successful networking in business.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
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Describe the registration process followed by an entrepreneur in order to be granted patent rights over a business idea or product.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
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Describe six factors to consider when developing an effective business succession strategy.
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Argue the case for and against the following business succession strategies i. Early entry strategy ii. Delayed entry strategy.
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Discuss four factors that are critical in the success of a partnership in entrepreneurship.
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Entrepreneurial success depends on opportunity recognition. Outline six ways which an entrepreneur can use to identify a business opportunity.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
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Citing relevant examples, describe six types of business incubators who nurture young entrepreneurs.
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Explain the term “nascent entrepreneur"
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Suggest eight ways of creating an environment suitable for the nourishing of creativity in an enterprise.
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i) Window of opportunity
ii) Forced associations
iii) Civic entrepreneurship (Solved)
In relation to entrepreneurship, explain the following terms:
i) Window of opportunity
ii) Forced associations
iii) Civic entrepreneurship
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Outline four limitations of focus group discussions.
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Discuss four strategies that an entrepreneur might use to minimize patent risks.
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Distinguish between “Utility patents” and Design patents” .
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Citing relevant examples, highlight four business opportunities that entrepreneurs could exploit arising from 2010 FIFA world cup to be held in South Africa.
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Identify six challenges faced by entrepreneurs.
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Explain the meaning of the term “entrepreneur”
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)