Reasons why government levy taxes.
- Defense Spending
One of the roles of government is to provide for a national defense. Most governments today do this by creating a military. The costs of maintaining a standing army are significant and include the costs of training, housing, equipping and paying soldiers for their services to the country. Defense spending also includes the cost of developing new technologies used for military purposes such as more effective weapons and unmanned technologies.
- Retirement Programs
A significant chunk of foe annual federal budget goes .towards paying for retirement programs like Social Security. Social Security provides retirement benefits to individuals who have paid into the retirement systems over the course of their working lives, in addition to Social Security, the government also must pay for pension plans for former government employees who are now retired.
- Interest Payments
Many governments have borrowed significant amounts of money and must pay interest on that debt. This debt is held by a variety of people and organizations including private citizens, government agencies and foreign governments.
-Altering Behavior
The tax laws in any country are used to alter behaviors in addition to raising revenues. Individuals have a limited supply of money and so increasing taxes on behaviors the government dislikes can restrict people from participating in them. For example, when a government wants, to reduce cigarette smoking, it can increase the taxes on cigarettes making them more expensive for people to buy. If a government wants to increase the number, of companies that offer health care to their workers, it may pass a law offering increased tax deductions for payments that went toward workers health care.
marto answered the question on January 30, 2019 at 09:15
- Examine five stages that are involved in the pre-start-up phase of a new business venture.(Solved)
Examine five stages that are involved in the pre-start-up phase of a new business venture.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between the following set of terms:
a) Brainstorming and business incubation
b) Drone entrepreneurs and imitative entrepreneurs
c) Innovation and invention
d) Bank loan...(Solved)
Distinguish between the following set of terms:
a) Brainstorming and business incubation
b) Drone entrepreneurs and imitative entrepreneurs
c) Innovation and invention
d) Bank loan and bank overdraft
e) Micro finance and youth fund
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Briefly explain five characteristics of a good business opportunity.(Solved)
Briefly explain five characteristics of a good business opportunity.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight four factors that a business incubator should take into account when deciding which business to incubate.(Solved)
Highlight four factors that a business incubator should take into account when deciding which business to incubate.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain seven types of business incubators that promote the efficiency of entrepreneurship.(Solved)
Explain seven types of business incubators that promote the efficiency of entrepreneurship.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Define the term “Business incubators.(Solved)
Define the term “Business incubators.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the essential guideline for successful networking in business.(Solved)
Explain the essential guideline for successful networking in business.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the registration process followed by an entrepreneur in order to be granted patent rights over a business idea or product. (Solved)
Describe the registration process followed by an entrepreneur in order to be granted patent rights over a business idea or product.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe six factors to consider when developing an effective business succession strategy.(Solved)
Describe six factors to consider when developing an effective business succession strategy.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Argue the case for and against the following business succession strategies i. Early entry strategy ii. Delayed entry strategy.(Solved)
Argue the case for and against the following business succession strategies i. Early entry strategy ii. Delayed entry strategy.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss four factors that are critical in the success of a partnership in entrepreneurship.(Solved)
Discuss four factors that are critical in the success of a partnership in entrepreneurship.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Entrepreneurial success depends on opportunity recognition. Outline six ways which an entrepreneur can use to identify a business opportunity.(Solved)
Entrepreneurial success depends on opportunity recognition. Outline six ways which an entrepreneur can use to identify a business opportunity.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Citing relevant examples, describe six types of business incubators who nurture young entrepreneurs.(Solved)
Citing relevant examples, describe six types of business incubators who nurture young entrepreneurs.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight six features of a good business name (Solved)
Highlight six features of a good business name
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the term “nascent entrepreneur"(Solved)
Explain the term “nascent entrepreneur"
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Suggest eight ways of creating an environment suitable for the nourishing of creativity in an enterprise.(Solved)
Suggest eight ways of creating an environment suitable for the nourishing of creativity in an enterprise.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- In relation to entrepreneurship, explain the following terms:
i) Window of opportunity
ii) Forced associations
iii) Civic entrepreneurship (Solved)
In relation to entrepreneurship, explain the following terms:
i) Window of opportunity
ii) Forced associations
iii) Civic entrepreneurship
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline four limitations of focus group discussions.(Solved)
Outline four limitations of focus group discussions.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss four strategies that an entrepreneur might use to minimize patent risks.(Solved)
Discuss four strategies that an entrepreneur might use to minimize patent risks.
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between “Utility patents” and Design patents” .(Solved)
Distinguish between “Utility patents” and Design patents” .
Date posted: January 30, 2019. Answers (1)