Highlight the measures that an entrepreneur could take to control environmental pollution.


Highlight the measures that an entrepreneur could take to control environmental pollution.



Measures that a manufacturing entity could put in place to minimize pollution

i) Waste minimization

Western minimization methods are divided into two primary categories source, reduction and recycling (on-and off-site).

Source Reduction is the preferred option and is defined as any activity that prevents or reduces the generation of waste(s). It does not mean reducing the volume or toxicity of an already generated waste. .
Recycling is the use (directly use waste(s) in a different process), reuse (directly reuse waste £ me process), or reclamation (recover or regenerate a component for reuse) of waste materials constitutes recycling. It is the secondary option in the management hierarchy because the wastes have already been generated, thus representing some hazard to the environment if mismanaged.

Management Initiatives

A successful waste minimization program must have complete management support in order to achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating or minimizing wastes. This commitment must be demonstrated by management and be passed on to employees working in areas that generate wastes. Employees are one of the best resources for waste minimization ideas and should be considered as active participants in the program. Management approaches include:

- Declaring the waste minimization commitment and goals to employees in-writing.
- Committing resources to implement changes that will eliminate or minimize wastes.
- Establishing employee incentive programs such as honorary or monetary awards to encourage employee to develop, arid implement waste minimization options.
- Providing employee training in waste minimization, hazardous waste and hazardous material handling, and emergency response.
- Establishing a task force or committee to review or identify-waste minimization opportunities

iii) Improved Operating Practices

Also known as good housekeeping practices? improved operating practices are among the least costly and easiest methods to minimize waste(s). when hazardous materials are spilled, mixed with wastes, or become too old to be. used, they are considered hazardous wastes. Such wastes can be minimized through:
-Careful control, of inventory to avoid overstocking by employing a stockroom attendant and using a "first-in, first-out" materials policy ? Segregating different types of waste to promote recycling and avoid contaminating non hazardous wastes ? Preventing spills and leaks by keeping containers covered, inspecting them .regularly and using pumps or spigots to dispense materials.

iv) Waste assessments
Sometimes called a waste audit, a waste assessment is an essential component of a waste minimization program. A waste assessment can also be used for planning and allocating resources, and it can be used to measure waste minimization progress. A waste assessment should at a minimum:
? Identify the types and amounts of waste(s).generated by the various processes. ? Identify the major material losses and their causes. ? Identify and evaluate potential Waste minimization methods. ? Itemize current waste: management expenditures and estimate the costs of alternative waste minimization practices.

v) Material Substitution.
Often a company can minimize wastes or avoid waste generation altogether by using alternative or substitute materials which are non-hazardous to produce products or provide services.

vi) Product Substitution

In some cases, companies have become so motivated to minimize hazardous wastes that they have actually eliminated products which result in the generation and handling of wastes.

vii) Technology and Process Modification

Inefficient or high volume waste generating processes can be upgraded or replaced by more efficient processes which minimize the waste(s) generated.

marto answered the question on February 4, 2019 at 11:36

Next: Pollution is a major environment concern today. Suggest six measurement that a manufacturing entity could put in place to minimize pollution.
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