Analyze the cause of barriers to lateral communication.


Analyze the cause of barriers to lateral communication.



Lateral communication:

-Lateral communication or horizontal communication is communication between different individuals and. departments, or organisms on the same organizational level. Some of the barriers to lateral communication are;

1. Territoriality

Territoriality often occurs when members of an organization “control task-related activity within a defined and fixed sectional area and as a result regard other involvement of that area as territorial encroachment” “Departments value their turf and strive to protect it This problem may be compounded through interdepartmental rivalries that arise from win/lose competition for rewards and resources”

2. Rivalry

Rivalry within organizations occurs for example when the different levels of an organization fail “to cooperate with one another”

3. Specialization

Specialization is a problem that often happens when organizations do not have uniformity within departments, causing communication difficulties. Specialization can occur with procedures or vocabulary used by Afferent departments. For example when “differ .at specialties use the same terms in different ways,” this can create confusion and miscommunication. When this occurs organizations have trouble functioning properly and do not run smoothly.

4. Lack of Motivation

“Horizontal communication often fails simply because organization members are unwilling to expend the additional effort that it requires.” “Horizontal communication may require contact with people in units that are well removed from our own. The channels and rules of interaction may be unclear. We do not really know these people

marto answered the question on February 5, 2019 at 05:54

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