Benefits of an organisations manual
- It is detailed and gives all the necessary information to get the job done in the quickest way possible. If persons, agencies or companies outside your company have to be contacted to complete a job, the procedures manual should give specific names, departments, addresses and phone numbers as well as a brief description of what each does, how long it will take, what you need from them and what they need from you.
-Another important part of the manual is making sure that it is up to date. Outdated information will only confuse someone and will not get the job done. All employees should be instructed to check the procedures manual they have prepared at least once a month to see if phone numbers, names or directions need updating. Both the employee and manager should have copies that are accessible to others.
- A manual helps to train newly recruited employees to the enterprise.
- A manual also allows a manager to see what people are doing and estimate how long certain duties take. What is vaguely written in a job description as “handle board room reservations” could take from five minutes to hours depending on what is involved.
- Hiring decisions - Managers can, therefore, make decisions about consolidating certain jobs when there is an obvious lack of work in some jobs and too much in others, can make hiring decisions as to whether or not extra staffing is required or whether people can be let go.
- Another advantage of the manual is that a manager can see whether or not an employee is suited to a certain position. If the employee seems to go about tasks in the most complicated, difficult manner, obviously retraining is necessary or the employee should not be in the job. A manager should be able to see, by the step outlined in the manual, whether the job is being done as efficiently as possible.
-A manual can help avoid confusion when someone has to step in and do a task that is not normally part of his or her job. This enables the office to run much more smoothly and gives managers a “feel” for what is going on in their departments.
- it also enables the manager to feel more confident about being in charge because he or she knows precisely what is going on in the department. Most employees will welcome the manual when they are called upon to fill in or help out because they will at least have some idea of what is to be done and how to do it.
marto answered the question on February 5, 2019 at 09:05
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