Disillusionment is the realization that you have been holding on to wrong opinions about people and situations.it can also be described as the disappointment due to the knowledge that somebody or something is not as good as you thought.
Mosese thinks that the government is going to release him after he gives a true testimony,only for him to stay in jail with allegations of possession of illegal drugs,protesting against violation of human rights during Adika's funeral-the coffin should not be carried by students,weeping in public is illegal.His disillusionment came out when he talked to Jere."I said everything in mitigation.All I had to say,but it did not help..."
During Tumbo's Visit to Regina,he sends jusper for drinks,talks with him about writing the play and Jusper remembers to return change but Tumbo tells him to keep change because he knows that students only have money in theory. Jusper comes downstage and shows the audience money and says ,"The fruits of independence.We get them second hand."This comment shows that he is disillusioned because they do not enjoy the fruits of independence as they would have expected.
marto answered the question on June 15, 2017 at 06:08
- Conflict is a major theme in Betrayal in the City. Write an essay to show how it has been used.(Solved)
Conflict is a major theme in Betrayal in the City. Write an essay to show how it has been used.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how moral decadence/degradation has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga(Solved)
Write an essay to show how moral decadence/degradation has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Desperation/Hopelessness in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Desperation /Hopelessness in Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how Ego-centrism has been used in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Explain why Ego-centrism has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Show how Francis Imbuga has used Revenge in Betrayal in the City(Solved)
Show how Francis Imbuga has used Revenge in the Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Abuse of Power has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the city.(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Abuse of power has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of political and Social oppression in Betrayal in the City(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Social Oppression in Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to illustrate how the theme of Betrayal has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Write an essay to illustrate how the theme of Betrayal has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below and answer the question that follows.(Solved)
Read the extract below and answer the question that follow.
Comfort of a husband and children around her knees.When it came to making ruthless decisions,she equaled her mother.She would cut herself off from her people. She would seek another life,a different way.She had enough.For the first time she felt quite lucky to have a daughter.A son held one under much more obligation than did a daughter for he must be firmly rooted in his people from whom he would inherit land and from who he was inextricable.You might wander the world with your son but in the end you had to take him back to where he belonged-his fathers people. A girl,on the other hand ,was a wanderer who would settle anywhere and marry anywhere. Nyabera felt free to go.
Now in that village,Nyabera was full of bitterness and she decided that a change was necessary.For her there was obviously not meant to be the man once came dressed in a white robe and speaking of a new God who made meaning out of sorrow and suffering and who particularly liked the poor,the orphan and the widow.The man said to the latter,poor in the spirit,for having no earthly support,they could better trust in God.In fact he said that....for God so loved the people that he got his.........to live among us,suffer and die like man. Nyabera had to live at that point to attend to her chores.In any case,she had only listened with half ear,but having retentive mind,she had occasionally mulled over his words wondering what he might have meant.Two villagers had gone with the man-one a barren woman who was totally neglected by her husband;the other a man,one of the footloose types found in every village .The man returned a year later sporting a new name- pilipo -but what he said made no sense and no one took him seriously.The woman never returned.
a)Explain what happens before this extract.(4 marks)
b)Why is Nyabera full of bitterness(3 marks)
c)"A son held one under much more obligation than did a daughter for he must be firmly rooted in his people from whom he would inherit land and from whom he would inherit land and from whom he was inextricable"
Explain the meaning of this statement in context.Explain the meaning of this statement.(3 marks)
d)Identify and illustrate any two themes in this extract.(4 marks)
e)"Nyabera felt free to go"Explain the meaning of this statement(2 marks)
f)Immediately after this extract,Nyabera sets out to look for pipipo. what does she learn from him about the new religion(4 marks)
g)Illustrate any one feature of style evident in this extract (2 marks)
h)Mention and illustrate one character trait of Nyabera in this extract (2 marks)
i)"she had had enough......"(add an appropriate tag question)(1 mark)
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Citing examples from the River and the Source by Margret Ogola , write an essay to support the statement, "Christianity is a sanctuary to those oppressed by bad cultural practices"(Solved)
Citing examples from the River and the Source by Margaret Ogola,write an essay to support the statement,"Christianity is a sanctuary to those oppressed by bad cultural practices.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- "The society in the River and the Source is biased against the girl child". Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from the River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.(Solved)
The society in The River and the Source is biased against the girl child. Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from "The River and the Source "by Margaret A.Ogola.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Suffering strengthens the human spirit rather than break it.Justify this assertion with illustrations from The River and the Source.(Solved)
"Suffering strengthens the human spirit rather than break it."Justify this assertion with illustrations from the River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola.(20 marks)
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below From the River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola and answer the questions that follow(Solved)
The crowd hissed,such a thing was unheard of,Didn't a man own a woman's body and soul?Marriage was sacred and chik' saw to it that it remained that way through by a series of taboos that made it almost impossible to sever the union.However the insult had been great.To accuse someone of juok',witchcraft,even in jest was an unforgivable crime,and there had been precedents,if the woman and her people were determined enough to get separation. The people of Yimbo were a proud lot and their love for their daughter was known all round for they always came out in massive support of her at various ceremonies and functions.The only saving grace would be the high esteem in which they held their son in law ,Owour Kembo the chief.
"And where might he be?"inquired someone,so taken up had they been by Nyar Yimbo's oratory that they had failed to notice his absence."He went to a friends's funeral the day before yesterday and is due back today" Meanwhile i will teach that she wolf a lesson"This from Otieno her brother in law.She looked at him straight in the eye and hissed" just you dare!"He retreated at the pure venom in her eyes.Besides,he was afraid of his brother who had added scandal to all his other sins by falling to ever lay a finger on his wife.
She left without further ado and her children,forgotten in the confusion ran after her.This would never do.She turned and gently but firmly ordered them to go back and await their father's return.
"But mother......"started the argumentative Obura."No buts!just go back and do as i tell you."She left them and went swiftly on her way.The crowd stood mesmerized for a while before departing also.
a)Place this extract in its immediate context(4 marks)
b)Who are the two characters that Akoko accuses for her marital problems (2 marks)
c)From this extract illustrate one character trait of:
i)Akoko ii)Otieno (4 marks)
d)Identify and explain any one feature of style in this extract.(2marks)
e)What does this passage tell us about the place of marriage in this society?(4 marks)
f)Identify and illustrate any one theme in this passage(2 marks)
g)Explain the meaning of the following as used in the passage;
i)jest ii)a proud lot iii)just you dare ( 3marks)
h)comment on the prevailing mood in this extract
i)"and where might he be?"inquired someone .
(rewrite in reported speech) 1mark
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Death is always a blow to those close to you"."Drawing illustrations from The River and the Source ,Show how Akoko's death affects Maria Akumu,Elizabeth Awiti and Father Peter Owour Kembo.(20 marks)(Solved)
"Death is always a blow to those close to you". Drawing illustrations from the River and the Source,show how Akoko's death affects Maria Akumu,Elizabeth Awiti and Father Peter Owour Kembo.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Basing your answer on Margaret Ogola,explain the relevance of each of the four sub-titles in relation to the whole story.(Solved)
Basing your answer on Margaret Ogola's the River and the Source,explain the relevance of each of the four sub-titles in relation to the whole story.
Date posted: June 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- "The whiteman's culture is a blessing to the female gender." To what extend is this statement true as depicted in the novel, The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola.(Solved)
The Novel The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola
"The whiteman's culture is a blessing to the female gender." To what extend is this statement true as depicted in the novel,The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola.
Date posted: June 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Survival in a patriarchal Society requires a strong willed character". Justify this statement in close reference to Akoko as portrayed in the River and the source by Margaret A.Ogola.(Solved)
The Novel:The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola
"Survival in a patriarchal Society requires a strong willed character,justify this statement in close reference to Akoko as portrayed in the River and the source by Margaret A.Ogola.(20 marks)
Date posted: June 13, 2017. Answers (1)