(i) Moses was instructed by God to tell the Israelite elders to prepare for a sacrifice in readiness for divine liberation from slavery.
(ii) Each family was to participate in the sacrifice as a way of identification with the Hebrew community.
(iii) Each family was to select a young lamb without blemish to signify the purity and innocence of the sacrifice.
(iv) The lamb was to be slaughtered and its meat roasted whole because roasting was the quickest way of cooking since the Israelites were in hurry.
(v) Everything was to be eaten up as a way of leaving no mark in Egypt, a country of slavery.
(vi) The Israelites were to prepare unleavened bread to signify the lack of time for fermenting it as well as the purity of the bread.
(vii) The Israelites were to eat bitter herbs as a symbol of their suffering in Egypt.
(viii) The blood of the sacrificial animal was to be smeared on the door posts of the Hebrews so as to save them from the angel of death.
(ix) Everyone was to remain indoors until morning so as to be protected from death and also to strengthen each other.
(x) The passover sacrifices were to be commemorated yearly and its reasons taught to the next generations so that they would know the history of their people and remember how God saved them.
(xi) The Israelite women were to ask for jewelery, silver and clothing from the Egyptians as compensation for the free labour they had offered as slaves.
(xii) The angel of death killed all the first-born of the Egyptians and passed over the houses of the Hebrews to spare the Israelite first male borns so as to be dedicated to God.
(xiii) Moses was allowed by Pharaoh to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to signify that Moses was God's appointed leader of Exodus.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 15, 2017 at 07:10
- What is the relevance of Jeremiah's teaching on evils and false prophets to Christians today?(Solved)
Discuss the relevance of Jeremiah's teaching on evils and false prophets to Christians today.
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Outline the evils that Prophet Jeremiah condemned in Judah.
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List the characteristics of true prophets, with reference to the Old Testament.
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Give the similarities between the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter.
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Give the attributes of God the Israelites learnt from the Ten plagues.
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Give reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians.
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Highlight the Deuterocanonical books in the Catholic Bible.
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Highlight the responsibilities of the youth in Church today.
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List the reasons why initiation rites are still practiced today.
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Describe how the initiates are prepared for adult life in traditional African communities.
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Give ways in which Christians show respect to God.
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Give the responsibilities of the living towards God in traditional African communities.
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Describe the traditional African understanding of God.
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Describe the ways in which the Church in Kenya responds to the problem of sexual immorality.
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List the social evils committed in Kenya today.
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Describe the historical background of Prophet Jeremiah.
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List factors that prevent political leaders from performing their duties efficiently in Kenya today.
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Give the factors which led to the failures of King David's successors.
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Highlight the promises of God to King David through Prophet Nathan.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- What do Christians learn from the call of Moses?(Solved)
Give lessons that Christians can learn from the call of Moses.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)