(i) Bunds and gabions: Bunds are ridges of soil piled across a slope. They are constructed to control soil erosion. Gabions are boxes made of wire mesh that are filled with stones. They are used to check soil erosion ( Gulley erosion).
(ii) Controlled grazing: Overgrazing leads to soil degradation due to erosion as the top cover of the soil is loosened by being trampled on by animals. The number of livestock kept on a piece of land should match the carrying capacity of that land.
(iii) Mulching: Mulch is either crop residue such as vegetable remains, plant litter and grass or artificial materials such as polythene sheets that are used to cover the soil or crop. Mulching helps the soil to retain moisture by reducing evaporation. It also reduces soil erosion by reducing the splashing effect of rainwater on the soil. It also increases water infiltration. Mulching also increases the soil fertility of the soil when vegetable materials which have been used as mulch decompose.
(iv) Afforestation and re-afforestation: Trees restore soil fertility, control soil erosion and improve the climatic conditions through transpiration.
(v) Introduction of drought resistant crops: Drought resistant crops are planted in areas which experience semi-arid conditions. These areas are characterized by little and unreliable rainfall, despite their high potential in agriculture. Drought resistant crops such as sisal, castor, cassava, millet, sorghum, dates and mangoes do well in drier parts with little rainfall.
(vi) Use of fertilizers or manure: Constant cultivation of land removes much of the nutrients and organic matter from the soil leading to reduction in fertility. In such cases it is important to apply fertilizers or manure that can restore and maintain soil fertility.
(vii) Bush fallowing: It involves cultivating a field for period of two to three years after which it is left fallow while the farmer moves on to another piece of land
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 15, 2017 at 14:07
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Distinguish between land reclamation and land rehabilitation.
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Give the problems experienced in irrigation farming in Kenya.
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Describe the benefits of land reclamation in the Netherlands.
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Highlight the challenges facing nomadic pastoralism in Kenya.
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List the characteristics of plantation farming in Kenya.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)