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What were Nehemiah's leadership qualities?


Describe Nehemiah's leadership qualities.



(i) He was an inspirational leader such that he rallied the people with the call "Come let us rebuild".

(ii) He had great wisdom. For example, he knew how to deal with the problems of debtors and creditors to the satisfaction of all.

(iii) He was efficient and full of foresight.

(iv) He was a patient and caring leader; he helped the needy and used his resources to support the rebuilding project.

(v) He was a great reformer; he instituted socio-economic and religious reforms in the Temple and on the Sabbath observance.

(vi) He was selfless and cared for the welfare of his people.

(vii) He was patriotic as shown in his love for his people and the land of Judah.

(viii) He demonstrated the spirit of honesty in his dealings with the people and his attitude to God. He could not pretend when he was sad and prayed for rewards whenever he did something good.

(ix) He had the spirit of hard work and commitment and refused to give up even when faced with challenges in his work of rebuilding the city.

(x) He took initiative to respond to the problems that Judah was facing by asking the Emperor to allow him to go and help rebuild the city of Jerusalem.

(xi) He was a pious and God-fearing leader. For example, he prayed and fasted to seek God's favour with the Emperor.

(xii) He was a decision-maker and took the best action in the circumstances.

(xiii) He was a practical person.

(xiv) He was a good planner, for example, on his arrival at Jerusalem, he confirmed for himself the extent of the damage to the wall rather than rely on second hand information.

(xv) He was a great mobiliser of resources in that he organized the people to build the wall and others to guard the project.

(xvi) He displayed strength and courage in the face of great opposition from the enemies of Judah.

Describe leadership qualities of Nehemiah and relevance to Christians today ?

He was a tune patriot i.e. after talking to the Jews and getting the news of distribution of
Jerusalem, he was forced to go back home.
Reliance to God. He totally relied on God and to his call i.e. in most cases he prayed before
carrying out an activity
Devoted/ talented. As a cupbearer to the emperor he was an educated, talented and trustworthy
young man
Visionary. He had a vision and he shared it with enthusiasm to inspire Jerusalem leaders to
rebuild the wall Initiative.
He took the initiative to persuade the emperor to put things right
Exceller organizer. He carefully organized the rebuilding process. He organized how the wall of
Jerusalem was to be built in steps
Careful planner. He carefully examined and inspected the wall before starting the work
People’s representative. He was a proper representative of his people in Israel. he had a sense of
responsibility to his community
Shrewd. He avoided the meetings organized by his opposer and overlooked the abuses placed on
Impartial. He appointed men of integrity and God fearing to keep guard over
Selfless and kind. He had the skill of solving problems. He hence cancelled all debts that people
Homogenous. He employed different strategies to counteract his opposer

A Christian should use his/her present position to serve God
Christians should acknowledge God as their source of power and giver of gifts
A leader should appoint people who are trustworthy and honest to help him/ her in ruling
the country

God answers our prayers as a result of asking others for help
A Christian leader should keep his /her plans a secret until it matures to make an announcement
Christians should share their visions with others the way Nehemiah did
Leaders should take care of the needy in the society
As a Christian one could be lured to temptations; the way Nehemiah was opposed we should be
ready to resist temptations
Christians should be ready to help in solving problems in the society Christians should act as
role models by carrying out spiritual activities with the truth and helping in work after starting
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 16, 2017 at 06:02

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