(i) The poor took loans in order to pay tax and interest which was contrary to the Mosaic Law.
(ii) The people were overtaxed in order to finance the rebuilding of the wall and pay the king's tax.
(iii) The wealthy land owners exploited the poor.
(iv) The anti-social conduct among the wealthy people in Palestine.
(v) There was poverty and famine in Judah forcing the poor to sell their children and land in order to buy food.
(vi) Traps set by Shemaiah to lure Nehemiah to commit sacrifice in the Temple.
(vii) Fear and discouragement among the Jews due to the ridicule suffered at the hands of their enemies.
(viii) Harassment of the Jews as a minority group by their enemies.
(ix) Lack of co-operation in the rebuilding of Jerusalem from the nobles of Tekoa and some manual workers.
(x) Opposition from the leaders of the neighbouring Samaria and Trans-Jordan lands.
(xi) Plots against Nehemiah's life by Sanballat and Tobiah; his servant.
(xii) False accusations of treason against the Emperor of Persia by Tobiah and Sanballat.
(xiii) Ridiculing of the building project by Sanballat.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 16, 2017 at 06:22
- What were Nehemiah's leadership qualities?(Solved)
Describe Nehemiah's leadership qualities.
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
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Outline the evils that Prophet Jeremiah condemned in Judah.
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Give ways in which Christians show respect to God.
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Give the responsibilities of the living towards God in traditional African communities.
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List the social evils committed in Kenya today.
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Describe the historical background of Prophet Jeremiah.
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List factors that prevent political leaders from performing their duties efficiently in Kenya today.
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Give the factors which led to the failures of King David's successors.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)