(i) Japan has a large population which provides ready local market for fish.
(ii) Japanese have a long history of sea faring thus are highly experienced in fishing.
(iii) The shallow continental shelf allows light to the sea bed for growth of micro-organisms which are food for fish.
(iv) The cool waters encourage thriving of numerous species of aquatic life.
(v) The cool waters are ideal for fish breeding because of the abundant supply of plankton or fish food.
(vi) The coast has many off-shore islands which provide sheltered inlets ideal for the establishment of fishing port.
(vii) The intended coastline provides secure breeding grounds for fish.
(viii) The meeting of the warm Kuro Siwo and the cold Oya Siwo Ocean currents result in upwelling of the sea water thus bringing minerals for the planktons from the sea bed to the surface.
(ix) The mountainous nature of the country restricts agricultural activities hence fishing is an alternative economic activity.Most settlements are found along the coast and main occupation of the people there is fishing.
(x) The Japanese have advanced technology that is used in fishing, processing and preservation of fish.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 16, 2017 at 09:42
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