Prologue speech is delivered at the beginning to introduce the expected events
In Caucasian chalk circle,there are two farming groups initially referred to as Kolchos.They both occupied a fertile valley before the war against Hitlers forces.One was the Galinsk Goat Breeding commune and other,The Rosa Luxemburg Fruit Growing Commune.The former is a group of pastoralists herders and the latter are land tillers and crop growers.
In the event of the war,The Galinsk Goat Breeders get displaced and move to a different location towards the East.In that new area,their cattle does not find healthy and sufficient feed so they demand to return to their former lush pastures.On the other hand,The Rosa Luxemburg Fruit Growers seem to be resisting the return.The disagreement can only be mediated by an officer from the National Reconstruction Office at the headquarters in Tiflis.
During the mediation,each of the groups advances reasons for demanding the fertile valley.The pluralists attempt to prove that their cheese has lost its quality.The fruit growers argue that they have a plan to irrigate seven hundred more acres to make the valley even more productive.An agreement is finally reached and the two groups agree to celebrate the deal.A musician Arkardi Cheidze is then invited to conduct the entertainment,he agrees to tell them the old Chinese tale of the chalk circle.
This story is a perfect indicator of what is to happen in play.
marto answered the question on June 16, 2017 at 11:08
- Read the extract below and answer the question that follow(Solved)
Read the extract below and answer the question that follow
"At least she is from the country,"he said sounding a bit odd.She looked at him and them lowered her eyes to the latter.It was characteristically Aoro-brief and to the point.She felt kind of sorry for Mark.First there had been Becky who had left home unceremoniously only to return with a white man in tow.A very nice man but apparently not nice enough for Becky.He had found out that she was having an affair during his trips abroad and had sued for a divorce.Now she was living alone with the children,financially well off,but unhappy.
It was one thing to enjoy the thrills of an affair,but a different thing altogether to have a carte blanche to do exactly as you pleased.John had been terribly hurt of course and Mark had been furious with her.
Then Tony had joined priesthood-Mark resisted it at first but recently during Tony's ordination he had been full of pride for his son-whose face had shoe joy and youthful dedication.
Vera's case had been the hardest to accept.Mark thought of the world of Vera,and declared that she wanted to join the catholic Prelature of Opus Dei as a non-marrying member.It didn't help that Mark had never heard the Opus Dei and could not understand why Vera could not Marry.But he had eventually accepted because he loved her.Because she looked so happy,so radiant.Anything that could bring such joy and serenity could not be that bad.It was a pity though that she did not wear a veil or a habit.That way he could at least have bragged about her a little to his friends.His children were a source of great envy to his less lucky friends.Vera for one was a fully qualified electronics expert and had a lucrative job in the city with a large salary and all sorts of benefits.Women like that tend to marry the most amazing wimps and Mark had held his breath in fear.But in the end all Vera wanted was to dedicate her life and work to God,and there was no turning back.
So Elizabeth secretly hoped that Aoro would bring home a nice girl-naturally a luo like himself - who would proceed to have many children all of ordinary black colour.
a)Place this excerpt in its immediate context(4 marks)
b)"At least she is from the country."Who is the 'she' referred to in this excerpt(2 marks)
c)"She felt kind of sorry for mark."Make notes on why Elizabeth feels sorry for her husband(4 marks)
d) Identify instances of use of irony in this excerpt(4 marks)
e)It is apparent that Mark is uncomfortable with the choices made by his children.Cite evidence in this excerpt to support this statement.
f)Describe the character of mark and Becky in this excerpt
g)Mention and illustrate any two themes in this excerpt(4 marks)
h)"First there had been Becky who had left home unceremoniously only to return with a white man in tow."(Rewrite beginning:Not only......)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.
"My child,I am terribly ashamed of you.You are no longer yet you have never been anything but selfish with selfishness of a child.You feel that other people may suffer,but as for you,it is your right to be happy.You shake like a reed in the wind because you have never forgiven God for not giving you as many children as other women whom you consider less worthy.And you fell that God owes it to you to make sure that your only child lives and prospers.Learn my child that God owes nobody anything.He gives to all men both wicked and good from his great bounty according to his wisdom and mercy.You are no longer a child yet you understand nothing. Don't you know that from the height of heaven and vastness of his eternity he sees you as you shall be a hundred seasons hence when no one on earth will have any memory of you and your bloodline will have mingled and petered out like a well in the dry season?
You are not wise,my child,learn wisdom.Put your child in his hands who can both plant and bring fruition.Try to be happy for Awiti when she tells us the news whatever it is .Don't you see the world is changing and that she is acquiring what will make difference as to whether she survives or perishes?"Maria eventually calmed down and her racing heart stilled within her but she heard her daughter's foot steps on the threshhold the band tightened around her again and she started breathing fast-like a woman in labour.She struggled to contol herself.
a)Explain what happens immediately before this extract.(4 marks)
b)Identify and illustrate one aspect of character of the following in this extract(4 marks)
i)Akoko ii)Nyabera
c)What is it that Awiti is acquiring in the passage that will make her survive or perish?
d)What are the contents of the letter that Awiti reads to her mother and grandmother immediately after this excerpt (4 marks)
e)Illustrate the dominant theme in this excerpt(2 marks)
f)Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in this extract.(4 marks)
i)you consider less worthy
iii)A hudred seasons
g)Identify and illustrate two features of style evident in thi extract (4 marks)
h)"Try to be happy for Awiti when she tells us the news whatever it is."
(Rewrite this sentence beginning:When.........)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow(Solved)
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow
"Now you can see why I didn't want to go home."
"How can you possibly think of getting married without at least letting them know?Give them a chance.They are your parents and they care about whatever you might think."
"But he is white! Remember father couldn't even stand Tommy who is only a Luhya from neighbouring province.He will just shout at me."That might be so- he gave me a shock.You'd have to get used to people getting shocked and staring at you.So it is not uprising that your father might react the same way,but it is your duty to tell them"
"Why don't you tell them."
"Forget it,once is enough.Dad nearly passed out - so mad was he.I never had to talk so fast or so hard in my life.He wanted to come after you immediately until I pointed out just how large a place Nairobi is.Still i would hate to go through that again.This,dear sister,is your ball game."
Becky got up and stood looking out of the window at the street below
"Why is it that i have never felt a part of them?"
"Because you were too pre occupied with yourself to notice how they really cared.It does help to tear your eyes off the mirror once in a while to really look at other people you know."
"Hey! you are really angry with me."
Look Becky.You are an adult.Surely you can face your own father and mother and tell them that this is the man you have chosen.They won't kill you.They can't tie you down.They may or may not give their blessings but atleast they will know that you are safe and happy.I don't have a child ,but if i did,I'd hate to be permanently guessing about her whereabouts and welfare.Besides I think they are damned good parents - if you ask me.If they say so,it is only because they are thinking of your own good.Have you stopped to think how difficult it is going to be for you - and your children?Where will you live?Where does he come from anyway?
"He is a canadian.We might live in Canada or here in Kenya-we have not decided.He really likes the country and its people,you know.He is a nice man - too nice for his own good.The fact that someone is white does not mean that he is automatically bad and looks down on Africans."
a)Explain what happens immediately,before and after this excerpt.(4 marks)
b)Describe the character of Vera and Becky as brought out in this excerpt(4 marks)
c)How effective is the use of dialogue in this excerpt(4 marks)
d)Why does Vera feel that Becky should tell their parents about her plans to marry John Courtney?Give your answer in note form (4 marks)
e)Which is the dominant theme in this excerpt? (2 marks)
f)Who is Tommy and why does Becky drag him into her discussion with Vera?(4 marks)
g)"I had never had to talk so fast or so hard in my life."(1 mark)
h)Explain what leads to the end of the relationship between Becky and John later in the story.(2 marks)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- Referring closely to The River and The Source by Margaret A.Ogola,Write an essay to support the statement,the destiny of any society lies in the hands of women(Solved)
Referring closely to The River and The Source by Margaret A.Ogola,Write an essay to support the statement,the destiny of any society lies in the hands of women
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Suffering strengthens the human spirit rather than break it."Justify this assertion with illustrations from "The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola."(Solved)
"Suffering strengthens the human spirit rather than break it."Justify this assertion with illustrations from "The River and the Source by Margaret A.Ogola."
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- "The modern educated woman is still a victim of bad perception." Justify this statement with illustrations drawn from "The River and the Source" by Margaret A.Ogola(Solved)
"The modern educated woman is still a victim of bad perception." Justify this statement with illustrations drawn from "The River and the Source" by Margaret A.Ogola
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the synopsis of Caucasian Chalk Circle(Solved)
Give the synopsis of Caucasian Chalk Circle
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the following extract and then answer the question that follow.(Solved)
ADZAK( in the Grand Duke's accent):Is any here knows me?Am Grand Duke.
What is he?
The Grand Duke.He knows him,too.
Fine.So get on with the trial.
AZDAK: Listen!Am accused instigating war?Ridiculous!Am saying ridiculous!That enough?If not,have bought lawyers.Believefive hundred(He points behind him pretending to be surrounded by lawyers)Requisition all available seats for lawyer!(The Iron Shirt laugh;the Fat prince joins in)
NEPHEW:(to the Iron Shirts):You really wish me to try this case?I find it rather unusual.
From the taste angle i mean
FAT PRINCE(Smilling):Let he have it my little fox!
NEPHEW:All right.People of Grusinia versus Grand Duke.Defendant,what have you got to say for yourself?
AZDAK:Plenty,Naturally,have read war lost.Only started on advice of patriots.Like uncle Ar sen as a witness....
AZDAK:Young man seriously advice not falls publicly into jerky clipped speech.cannot be watchdog if howl like wolf.Got it?If people realize princes speak same language as Grand Duke,May hang Grand Duke and Princes,huh?By the way,must over rule verdict.Reason?War lost,but not for princes.Princes won their war.Got 3,863,000 piasters for horse not delivered,8,240,000 pias ters for food supplies not produced.Are therefore victors.War lost only for Grusinia,which is not present in this court.
a)Explain the events that precede the extract above(5marks)
b)Identify and explain any two themes evident in this extract(4 marks)
c)How has Azdak been presented in this extract(4 marks)
d)Identify and explain any literary techniques employed in this extract(4 marks)
e)Explain what takes place after this incident?(2 marks)
f)Add a question tag to the following sentence.Hang him!Hang him!(2 marks)
g)Write homophone of the following words:
h)Write the meaning of the following words:
Mad cap
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Mulili is a despicable character.How true is this statement basing your answer on Imbuga's play Betrayal in the City(Solved)
Mulili is a despicable character.How true is this statement basing your answer on Imbuga's play Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- What is the relevance of Francis Imbuga's Title Betrayal in the City(Solved)
What is the relevance of Francis Imbuga's Title Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the theme of opportunism in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga(Solved)
Explain the theme of opportunism in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Disillusionment is a major theme in Betrayal in the City,write an essay to show how it has been used.(Solved)
Disillusionment is a major theme in Betrayal in the City,write an essay to show how it has been used.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Conflict is a major theme in Betrayal in the City. Write an essay to show how it has been used.(Solved)
Conflict is a major theme in Betrayal in the City. Write an essay to show how it has been used.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how moral decadence/degradation has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga(Solved)
Write an essay to show how moral decadence/degradation has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Desperation/Hopelessness in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Desperation /Hopelessness in Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how Ego-centrism has been used in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Explain why Ego-centrism has been used in Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Show how Francis Imbuga has used Revenge in Betrayal in the City(Solved)
Show how Francis Imbuga has used Revenge in the Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Abuse of Power has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the city.(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Abuse of power has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of political and Social oppression in Betrayal in the City(Solved)
Write an essay to show how Francis Imbuga has used the theme of Social Oppression in Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to illustrate how the theme of Betrayal has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Write an essay to illustrate how the theme of Betrayal has been used by Francis Imbuga in Betrayal in the City
Date posted: June 14, 2017. Answers (1)