(I)Nursery establishment.
Choose a suitable nursery site,considering accessibility /source of water.
Dig the chosen site.
Remove roots or previous plants and stones from the site.
Break the soil clods to the desired tilth.
Make a raised or sunken nursery
bed(depending on soil moisture /measuring one meter wide and a convenient length).
Plant seeds by drilling at spacing of 15cm by 3cm.
Apply phosphate fertilizer or manure.
Cover the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm.
Erect shade/apply some mulch on the nursery.
Water the nursery thoroughly.
(ii)Pricking out of seedlings.
Done when seedlings develop two true leaves.
Seedlings are uprooted by use of a small stick.
Long roots are trimmed.
Holes are made with the same stick in the seedlings bed.
The seedling is inserted into a hole carefully.
The soil is firmed around each seedling.
Seedlings are planted at a spacing of 4-5 cm away from each other.
The seedlings are shaded and watered immediately to prevent witting.
(ii)Management of the seedlings up to transplanting.
Erect a shade if it was not erected after pricking out.
Water the nursery at least twice a day.
Watering should be done in the morning and evening.
Remove weeds that may come up/uproot the weeds.
Control pests and diseases when the symptoms of attack are noticed.
Hardening should be done gradually by removing shade and reducing the frequency of watering before transplanting.
Uproot with a lump of soil to transplant.
Transplant on a cool day or late evening.
Water after transplanting.
Belan answered the question on February 14, 2019 at 13:27
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