(i) The stiff competition of the open sea from the industrialized countries whose fishermen use modern fishing equipment discourages local fishermen.
(ii) The limited technology and inadequate capital make it difficult to develop marine fishing.
(iii) There are numerous inland fishing grounds such as lakes and rivers which are accessible to many people.
(iv) There is low demand for sea fish compared to fresh water fish making water fishing more preferable.
(v) The narrow continental shelf along the coast of East Africa limits the growth of plankton thus limiting the variety of edible fish.
i. Poor technology on deep sea fishing.
ii. Inadequate capital for buying modern fishing equipment required in marine fishing.
iii. Presence of abundant inland fishing ground such as lakes.
iv. Regular coastline does not offer suitable site for construction of fishing ports.
v. High temperature at the coast makes fish; to deteriorate very fast after they have been caught.
vi. Presence of coral reefs on the sea-bed makes navigation very difficult.
vii. The East African coast is washed by Warm Ocean current which discourage the growth of
viii. Narrow continental shelf limits the growth of planktons.
ix. Fish from inland water bodies has a better taste and so have high demand.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 16, 2017 at 14:05
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Highlight the problems experienced in the marketing of fish in Kenya.
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