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Indicate rising or falling intonation for each sentence in the following dialogue.Use the words 'Rising' and 'Falling' Mother:Have you had something to eat? .........(i) Daughter:No. ........(ii) Mother:You...


Indicate rising or falling intonation for each sentence in the following dialogue. Use the words 'Rising' and 'Falling'
Mother:Have you had something to eat?........(i)
Daughter: No. .......(ii)
Mother:You must be very hungry then. ........(iii)
Daughter: Not just hungry, I'm starving ........(iv)



Belan answered the question on February 16, 2019 at 13:45

Next: The words in brackets indicates the stressed word in the sentence below.Briefly explain what each sentence means. (i)(Tom) visited Mary yesterday. (ii)Tom (visited) Mary yesterday. (iii)Tom visited Mary...
Previous: Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow. Becky:(Shouting) What does she have to do to be punished-commit murder? Vera:Go on easy on her. Becky: (Irritably)...

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