Discuss Linneaus’ hierarchy as classification method for microorganisms.


Discuss Linneaus’ hierarchy as a classification method for microorganisms.



1.Imperium ("Empire") - the phenomenal world.
2.Regnum ("Kingdom") - the three great divisions of nature at the time - animal, vegetable, and mineral.
3.Classis ("Class") - subdivisions of the above, in the animal kingdom six were recognized (mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, insects, and worms).
4.Ordo ("Order") - further subdivision of the above - the class Mammalia has eight orders.
5.Genus - further subdivisions of the order - in the mammalian order Primates there are four. e.g. Homo
6.Species - subdivisions of genus, e.g. Homo sapiens.
7.Varietas ("Variety") - species variant, e.g. Homo sapiens europaeus.
jim items answered the question on February 18, 2019 at 07:32

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