Discuss animal eat plant relationships using Fungi and Nematodes as an example in nitrogen fixation.


Discuss animal eat plant relationships using Fungi and Nematodes as an example in nitrogen fixation.



-Nitrogen is inert in the atmosphere, so doesn’t mix with soil.
-Nitrogen in soils is a limiting factor for plant growth.
-Nematodes and fungi abound in healthy soils - both are essential for healthy plants because they retain
nitrogen (and other nutrients) in soils once it has been captured by nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
-The nematode - fungus relationship keeps nitrogen from going back to the atmosphere as a gas (methane).
-Capture mechanisms for both nematodes and Fungi are;
1.Paralyzing toxins.
2.Traps - numerous designs but mainly sticky.
-Other capture mechanisms may include:
Lethal lollipops.
Sticky nets.
Sticky spores.
Sticky rings.
Constricting rings.
jim items answered the question on February 18, 2019 at 08:15

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