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What are polymers and fibres and how are they formed?


What are polymers and fibres and how are they formed?



Polymers and fibres are giant molecules of organic compounds. Polymers and fibres are formed when small molecules called monomers join together to form large molecules called polymers at high temperatures and pressures. This process is called polymerization
Polymers and fibres are either:
(a)Natural polymers and fibres-found in living things(plants and animals)
Natural polymers/fibres include:
-proteins/polypeptides making amino acids in animals
-cellulose that make cotton,wool,paper and silk
-Starch that come from glucose
-Fats and oils
-Rubber from latex in rubber trees.

(b)Synthetic polymers and fibres-are man-made.
They include:
-Perspex(artificial glass)
Wilfykil answered the question on February 19, 2019 at 06:09

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Previous: What characteristic advantages and disadvantages does synthetic polymers and fibres have over natural polymers?

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