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Write brief notes on: 1. Melting/liquidification/fusion 2.Freezing/fusion/solidification 3.Boiling/vaporization/evaporation 4.Condensation/liquidification


Write brief notes on:
1. Melting/liquidification/fusion



(i) Melting/liquidification/fusion involves heating a solid to weaken the strong bonds holding the solid particles together. Solids are made up of very strong bonds holding the particles very close to each other (Kinetic Theory of matter).On heating these particles gain energy/heat from the surrounding heat source to form a liquid with weaker bonds holding the particles close together but with some degree of freedom. Melting/freezing/fusion is an endothermic (+?H)process that require/absorb energy from the surrounding.

(ii)Freezing/fusion/solidification involves cooling a a liquid to reform /rejoin the very strong bonds to hold the particles very close to each other as solid and thus lose their degree of freedom (Kinetic Theory of matter). Freezing /fusion / solidification is an exothermic (-?H)process that require particles holding the liquid together to lose energy to the surrounding

(iii)Boiling/vaporization/evaporation involves heating a liquid to completely break/free the bonds holding the liquid particles together. Gaseous particles have high degree of freedom (Kinetic Theory of matter). Boiling /vaporization / evaporation is an endothermic (+?H) process that require/absorb energy from the surrounding.

(iv)Condensation/liquidification is reverse process of boiling /vaporization / evaporation.It involves gaseous particles losing energy to the surrounding to form a liquid.It is an exothermic(+?H) process

Wilfykil answered the question on February 19, 2019 at 12:34

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