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Define the terms systematic, stratified, multistage, cluster and quota sampling as used in statistical inference.


Define the terms systematic, stratified, multistage, cluster and quota sampling as used in statistical inference.



Sampling is a process of examining a representative number of items out of a whole population.
- Systematic sampling involves selecting every nth item after selecting the first item randomly.
- Stratified sampling involves taking random samples from within a group in the population that each group bears to the population as a whole.
- Multi-stage sampling is similar to stratified sampling except that the groups are geographically based.
- Cluster sampling involves selecting a few areas at random and every single item in the area is interviewed.
- Quota sampling involves choosing on the spot up to a given quota. An interviewer selects interviewee from given categories up to a given quota.
Wilfykil answered the question on February 20, 2019 at 10:02

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