Briefly explain, giving an example in each case, five functions of an audit software interrogation programme


Briefly explain, giving an example in each case, five functions of an audit software interrogation programme



- File reorganization – enables indexing, sorting, merging and linking with other files;
- Data selection – enables data filtration
- File access- enables the reading of different record formats and file structures;
- Arithmetic functions – enables the performance of arithmetic functions;
- Selecting samples or items for testing e.g. selecting debtors accounts that have been outstanding for more than the credit period;
- Printing reports or letters in a format specified by the auditor.
- Detection of violation of systems limits e.g. a sales ledger can be checked to ensure no customer has a balance above the authorized credit limit;
- Testing reasonableness checks e.g. ensuring the value of purchases is not greater than the value of stocks received
Wilfykil answered the question on February 22, 2019 at 08:22

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