State and control objectives generally associated with the processing of data in a computerized accounting environment.‘


State and control objectives generally associated with the processing of data in a computerized accounting environment.‘



- Personnel in charge of processing data are normally independent of those responsible for input and output, so as to maintain data integrity.
- Processed data is destined to the transaction or master file and nowhere else. From these files, their destinations can be verified.
- Transactions, once processed cannot be processed again or duplicated or improperly changed.
- Processing errors should be identified and corrected on a timely basis to avoid future unnecessary cost to rectify magnified problems.
- To ensure programs are not altered in any way, personnel in processing department should have no access to the programs.
- There should be recovery procedures for use in the event of power failure so that processing function is not left =hanging‘ as this creates room for manipulations.
- Provision of offsite processing in the event of disaster
Wilfykil answered the question on February 22, 2019 at 11:43

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