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What are the problems associated with tourism in Kenya?


Give the problems associated with tourism in Kenya.



- Tourism has led to international terrorism or piracy.

- Erosion of some social values.

- Tourism has encouraged poaching or illegal collection of marine resources.

- Tourism has led to increase in crime.

- Tourism has led to increase in drug abuse.

- Local people borrowing from tourists some social cultural values with negative consequences e.g. homosexuality and lesbianism which could lead to breakage of marriage life and spread of S.T.Ds.

- Government neglecting other sectors of the economy such as agriculture and development projects like health and education by using a lot of money on tourist infrastructure such as construction of roads and airstrips in tourist areas some of which are rarely used.

- Some tourists encourage poaching by buying and smuggling souvenirs in form of game trophies which make poachers to kill animals so as to meet demand for these products.

- Destruction of vegetation by tourist’s vehicles as they move over it which reduces the amount of pasture available for browsing animals.

- Tourists chasing animals while trying to get close-up photographs which destructs the animals feeding and bleeding habits. Noise from vehicles and people also disturb animals.

- Some tourists come with the purpose of trafficking drugs and some introduce youths to drugs leading to drug abuse and its related consequences.

- It may cause some male and female children to drop out of school to be showing the tourists around and obtain money by befriending tourists e.g. beach boys.

- A number of youths especially at the coast have dropped out of school to become tour guides.

- Tourism has led to pollution of national parks.

- Over emphasis on tourism has led to neglect of the other sector of economy.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 19, 2017 at 14:09

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