Appeal Bodies
1. Local committee
2. Income tax tribunal
3. High court
1) Income tax local committee
The local committee is an appeal body and is not part of the Domestic tax department. It is established by the minister of finance.
The duties of the local committee are to hear and determine appeals lounged by the taxpayer on matters pertaining to tax disputes.
Only the tax payers can appeal to the local committee against the commissioner's decisions. The local committee consists of nine members who are appointed by the minister of finance i.e. a chairperson and not more than eight other members.
They hold office for a period of 2 years unless
a) A member tenders a resignation.
b) The minister revokes members appointment for reasons of failure to attend three consecutive meetings and
c) A member is unfit perform duties of office due to reasons of mental or physical disability.
Local committee deals with matters of facts only since the committee members are laymen as far as tax law is concerned.
The procedures governing the conduct of local committees are given by the minister of finance. This includes:-
? The manner in which an appeal may be made to the local committee.
? The procedure of hearing an appeal to the records to be kept by the local committee.
? The manner in which to converse meetings the venue and the time to hold meetings.
? The scale of costs that may be awarded by a local committee appeal
The taxpayer must submit the following documents to the clerk of local committee
1. A memorandum of appeal-This states the ground of appeal and should be submitted in copies.
2. A statement of facts - This gives the sequence of events which took place regarding amending assessment was issued and similarly it shall be submitted in 9 copies.
3. A copy of the letter i.e. the notice of the intention to appeal to the local committee which was sent to the commissioners. Notification to the commissioner for intention to appeal to the local committee must be made within 30days after receiving the notice from the commissioner or after receiving the commissioner decision.
4. A copy of the commissioner's decision against which the appeal is being lounged e.g. a copy of the non-agreed amended assessment or a copy of the confirming notice.
When all the appeal documents have been filed in time to the clerk of local committee the clerk will register the appeal for hearing. He will notify both the taxpayer and he commissioner of the hearing dates.
2) The income tax tribunal
The tribunal is an appeal body established by minister of finance by notice in the gazette. It consists of a chairman, not less than 2 and not more than 4 members i.e. minimum of 3 and maximum of 5.
- The quorum for a tribunal is the chairman and two other members
- The tribunal is governed by the income tax rules. It will hear appeals on assessment that are based on the commissioner of domestic taxes directives under set 23 and 24 of the income tax Act.
- Section 24 is on avoidance of tax liability by non-distribution of dividends and section 23 is on transactions designed to avoid liability to tax.
- Under section 23 is on transactions designed to avoid liability to tax
- Under section 23 the commissioner is empowered to reject any transactions where he is of the opinion that the main purpose for which a transaction is effected was for the avoidance or reduction of tax liability or that the main benefit which might have been expected to accrue from the transaction in three years immediately following the conclusion was avoidance of reduction of tax then he may determine where just a reasonable for adjustment to be effected on that transaction. Under section 24 the commissioner is empowered to direct that a company makes a further distribution of dividend i.e. when the commissioner of domestic taxes is satisfied that there has been a shortfall.
- Where the commissioner is of the opinion that the company has not distributed to us the date ofaccounti.ng year, that part of income which could be so distributed he may direct that income to be distributed as dividends to the shareholders in accordance with the income tax Act.
Matters relating to an appeal to a tribunal are normally handled in the Head office where the taxpayer is not satisfied with decision of tribunal he can move an appeal to high court by giving a notice of 15 days after being* served with the decision.
3) Courts of law
Where a taxpayer disputes H decision by a tribunal or in very rare instances from local committee or where the commissioner disputes a decision by tribunal such can further appeal to the High court.
- Appeals to the High court will only be on the questions of law or mixed laws and facts.
- For the appeals to the High court, the appellant must serve the respondent with notice of intention to appeal to the court within 30 days of being served with decision from other appellate bodies.
- The appellant must file in court the following:-
- Memorandum of appeal
- Statement of appeal
- A copy of the decision of notice being appealed against.
Wilfykil answered the question on February 25, 2019 at 10:32
- Write brief notes on Objections by the taxpayer of an assessment done by the commissioner(Solved)
Write brief notes on Objections by the taxpayer of an assessment done by the commissioner
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Where taxes assessed are not collected by due dates the collector of income tax has power to collect the tax due as a debt owed...(Solved)
Where taxes assessed are not collected by due dates the collector of income tax has power to collect the tax due as a debt owed to the government. Explain how such a debt can be collected.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain five types of notices of assessment(Solved)
Explain five types of notices of assessment
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- What are the contents of a notice of assessment?(Solved)
What are the contents of a notice of assessment?
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Write brief notes on back duty.(Solved)
Write brief notes on back duty.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain what is meant by Tax Avoidance?(Solved)
Explain what is meant by Tax Avoidance?
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of tax evasion(Solved)
Explain the meaning of tax evasion
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- State the conditions which should be fulfilled before an exemption from payment of tax is granted under the V AT and Customs and Excise Acts.(Solved)
State the conditions which should be fulfilled before an exemption from payment of tax is granted under the V AT and Customs and Excise Acts.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- It may be advantageous for a trader whose turnover is below the legislated turnover limits under the sixth schedule to the V AT Act to...(Solved)
It may be advantageous for a trader whose turnover is below the legislated turnover limits under the sixth schedule to the V AT Act to register for VAT voluntarily. Under what circumstances could this be beneficial?
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Mrs. Carol Wasike is a practicing accountant working under the style and name of Wasike and Associates. Her firm is registered for Value Added Tax...(Solved)
Mrs. Carol Wasike is a practicing accountant working under the style and name of Wasike and Associates. Her firm is registered for Value Added Tax (VAT). During the month of September 2001, she undertook and completed the following assignments:

(a) Prepare a VAT Account for Wasike and Associates for the month of September 2001.
(b) The VAT you have computed in (a) above, was paid on 22 October 2001 since 20 October was on a Saturday. The VAT return was also submitted on the same day. How much additional tax would be payable, if any?
(c) Kikwetu Limited was the subject of a creditors voluntary winding up and the appropriate resolution was passed on 1 April 2002. By that time the company paid Wasike and Associates only Sh.240,000 for services rendered. Assuming that all the conditions for the refund of bad debt relief are met, calculate the amount of VAT bad debt relief.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Mr. Joseph Omuora commenced a soft drinks distribution business on 1 January 1998. He has not been maintaining proper books of account and the Commissioner...(Solved)
Mr. Joseph Omuora commenced a soft drinks distribution business on 1 January 1998. He has not been maintaining proper books of account and the Commissioner of Income Tax has raised doubts about the accuracy of the annual tax returns submitted by him.
You have been appointed to estimate the correct amounts of taxable incomes for the years ended 31 December 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 for comparison with those disclosed in the annual returns. These returns had disclosed the following profits or losses:

Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- The following is a summary of the sales and purchases of Panda Limited for the six months ended 31 December 2003:(Solved)
The following is a summary of the sales and purchases of Panda Limited for the six months ended 31 December 2003:

VAT account for the six-month period ended 31 December 2003.
(Where applicable, the transactions are exclusive of VAT at the standard rate).
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- ABC Ltd. has VAT due amounting to Sh. 3,600,000. It was late in making the returns and payment of the amount due by five months.(Solved)
ABC Ltd. has VAT due amounting to Sh. 3,600,000. It was late in making the returns and payment of the amount due by five months.
The penalties that ABC Ltd. will be required to pay by the VAT Department.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Mediner Ltd. deals in a variety of goods in the month of September 2004, the Company accountant recorded the following transactions (exclusive of VAT):(Solved)
Mediner Ltd. deals in a variety of goods in the month of September 2004, the Company accountant recorded the following transactions (exclusive of VAT):

The accountant believes that the allocative method is the best in restricting the input VAT deductible against output VAT. The accountant is also of the opinion that on average, twenty percent of the standard rate purchases were sold as standard rate sales.
Compute the input VAT deductible against output VAT using the allocative method.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain how section 19 (1) of the VAT Act, on recovery of “tax due and payable from a person who owes money to the tax...(Solved)
Explain how section 19 (1) of the VAT Act, on recovery of “tax due and payable from a person who owes money to the tax payer” may be enforced by the commissioner.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the requirements of an application for refund of VAT paid in respect of Bad debts.(Solved)
Explain the requirements of an application for refund of VAT paid in respect of Bad debts.
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain briefly the meaning of “goods subject to customs control” under the Customs and Excise Act (Cap. 472)(Solved)
Explain briefly the meaning of “goods subject to customs control” under the Customs and Excise Act (Cap. 472)
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name four incentives given by the government to encourage the growth of capital market in Kenya(Solved)
Name four incentives given by the government to encourage the growth of capital market in Kenya
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the term “thin capitalization.”(Solved)
Explain the term “thin capitalization.”
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)
- List four circumstances under which duty paid on imports is refundable(Solved)
List four circumstances under which duty paid on imports is refundable
Date posted: February 25, 2019. Answers (1)