(i)Kenyans' low purchasing power limits their ability to travel as tourists while in Switzerland the high purchasing power enables people to travel as tourists.
(ii) Kenya has coastal beaches while Switzerland has lake side beaches.
(iii) The accessibility to financial facilities and services such as the use of credit cards by the tourists in Kenya is limited to large urban areas, whereas in Switzerland similar facilities and services are widespread promoting easy transaction by tourists.
(iv) In Kenya, animals are found in their natural habitat while in Switzerland they are kept in zoos.
(v) Kenya has tropical climate which is warm and sunny most of the year thus encouraging sun bathing while Switzerland has temperature climate with cold winters which encourage winter sports.
(vi) Kenya has varied and beautiful coastal scenery while Switzerland has varied scenery consisting of snow-capped mountains or glaciated landscape.
(vii) Kenya being far from Europe, gets fewer tourists than Switzerland which is centrally located in Europe.
(viii) Kenya's reports of insecurity scare away potential tourists but the report of peaceful atmosphere in Switzerland encourages more tourists.
(ix) Kenya has poorly maintained transport network making it difficult to access some tourist sites while in Switzerland transport network is efficient.
(x) Kenyans are able to speak few international languages hence communication with the tourists is sometimes limited, whereas the diversity of languages spoken in Switzerland make it possible for tourists to communicate with ease.
(xi) The training of personnel in tourism industry in Switzerland is more advanced than in Kenya, thus enabling the personnel to provide higher quality services to the tourists.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 20, 2017 at 07:58
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