Discuss baculoviruses as bio control agents


Discuss baculoviruses as bio control agents



•Baculoviruses are rod-shaped, double stranded DNA viruses that can infect and kill a large number of different invertebrate organisms
•Immature (larval) forms of moth species are the most common hosts, but these viruses have also been found infecting sawflies, mosquitoes, and shrimp
•Baculoviruses have limited host ranges and generally do not allow for insect resistance to develop
•Slow killing of target insects occurs
•In order to speed killing (enhance effectiveness), several genes can be expressed in the baculovirus including diuretic hormone, juvenile hormone esterase, Bt toxin, scorpion toxin, mite toxin, wasp toxin, and a neurotoxin
Frederick paul answered the question on February 25, 2019 at 13:28

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