1.Helps in dealing with the challenge we have in understanding one another.
2.Communication touches every aspect of our lives. To be able to express oneself to other people is a basic requirement for living in a modern society.
3.We need communication skills in order to work with others, even if we do physical labour.
4.When we study communication we are developing leadership skills. Daniel Quin said “The art of communication is the language of leadership.”
5.To improve our employability – regardless of one’s specific job description, the essence of what one does when working at any job is to communicate; jobs involve talking, listening, relating and writing. John H. McConnel says, “Take all the speech and communication courses you can because the world turns on communication.”
6.Enhancing one’s communication skills can significantly improve the quality of relationships with others. Understanding the role and function of communication can help unravel some of the mysteries of human relationships. At the heart of a good relationship is good communication. It’s also true that losing a relationship is among life’s most stressful events.
7.To improve our physical and emotional health - research has shown that lack of close relationships that can help one navigate through life’s stresses can lead to ill health and even death. Having a social support system seems to make a difference in our overall health and quality of life therefore studying how to enrich the quality of our communication with others can make life more enjoyable and enhance one’s overall well being.
sharon kalunda answered the question on February 27, 2019 at 11:56