1. Diagrams
They include maps, bar charts and schematics. Diagrams can be drawn on the black board or on
transparencies which may be projected. Sometimes flipcharts and handouts may be used to
present the diagrams listed above. Always relate your visuals to your subject matter.
2. Illustrations
These include photographs, pictures and graphics. Illustrations can be presented via flip charts,
black boards, computer screen, overhead projectors, handouts etc. if more than one picture is
being used, they need to be labeled to help the speaker present the argument in a systematic and
organized manner.
3. Audio-visual aids
These include tape recordings, video recordings, computer programmes such as PowerPoint.
4. Three dimensional items
These include ‘real’ objects or models of objects that a speaker might choose to use to
demonstrate a point they have developed in their speech. For example, an orange, a bottle,
another person. Always check that the item chosen is appropriate for the point being illustrated.
sharon kalunda answered the question on February 27, 2019 at 13:55
- Highlight FOUR functions of the Conclusion of a speech.(Solved)
Highlight FOUR functions of the Conclusion of a speech.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is the purpose of introduction in a speech?(Solved)
What is the purpose of introduction in a speech?
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give ways of making extemporaneous speech effective(Solved)
Give ways of making extemporaneous speech effective.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- List THREE disadvantages of Extemporaneous Speech.(Solved)
List THREE disadvantages of Extemporaneous Speech.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- List FOUR Advantages of Extemporaneous Speech.(Solved)
List FOUR Advantages of Extemporaneous Speech.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- List the disadvantages of Memorized Speech.(Solved)
List the disadvantages of Memorized Speech.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- What are the disadvantages of a manuscript(Solved)
What are the disadvantages of a manuscript
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the 8 steps followed when a person is preparing a speech.(Solved)
Highlight the 8 steps followed when a person is preparing a speech.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the basic speaking skills.(Solved)
Explain the basic speaking skills.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the purposes of oral presentation.(Solved)
Highlight the purposes of oral presentation.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give circumstances under which one can use oral communication.(Solved)
Give circumstances under which one can use oral communication.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- There are THREE main factors in every speaking situation.List them.(Solved)
There are THREE main factors in every speaking situation.List them.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- State the importance of good public speaking skills(Solved)
State the importance of good public speaking skills.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the barriers of information processing(Solved)
Describe the barriers of information processing.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- State THREE barriers to listening.(Solved)
State THREE barriers to listening.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe FIVE types of listening.(Solved)
Describe FIVE types of listening.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight FOUR importance of listening.(Solved)
Highlight FOUR importance of listening.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- List FIVE activities involved in listening.(Solved)
List FIVE activities involved in listening.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between hearing and listening.(Solved)
Differentiate between hearing and listening.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the FOUR types of communication.(Solved)
Explain the FOUR types of communication.
Date posted: February 27, 2019. Answers (1)