What are the Causes of Depreciation


What are the Causes of Depreciation



1. Physical Factors
i) Wear and tear: Some non-current assets depreciate or lose value due to use overtime e.g. machinery and motor vehicles.
ii) Rot/decay/rust: This happens on assets that are not well maintained by the firm e.g. some machines.

2. Economic Factors
i) Inadequacy: Some assets lose value due to them becoming inadequate e.g. when a business grows or expands then some buildings may become inadequate due to space. Also some machines are unable to manufacture a large number of goods.
ii) Obsolescence: Some assets become obsolete due to change in technology or different methods of production e.g. computers.

3. Time Factors
Some assets have a legal fixed time e.g. properties on lease.

4. Depletion
This occurs when some assets have a wasting character due to extraction of raw materials, minerals or oil. Such assets include mines, oil wells, and quarries.
Wilfykil answered the question on February 28, 2019 at 08:30

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