In Kafira, injustice has been brought about by those in authority. Many people are killed in an clear circumstances and others in cold blood. The citizens have already lost hope with its leaders. However, a few citizens have decided to keep the government under pressure and a good example is Jusper.
Jusper is a University student studying philosophy.He is the son to Doga and Nina.He is one of the brave characters we have in the play. After the death of Adika, he is put in charge to guard the grave,it is during this time that an intruder Chagaga, sub chief's brother comes to interfere with it,he fights and kills him,throwing him into the river and later tells it out.
When Mulili murders his parents Nina and Doga, he swears revenge to correct the governance situation in Kafira. In spite of the dangers he exposes himself to,he continues challenging the government. He takes part in writing the play and thus his fellow students brand him a traitor though he knows he is doing it in order to get a chance to revenge against the government.
The desire for justice requires people who are not ready to give up. Jusper symbolizes such people and his play finally leads to change in the government.
marto answered the question on June 20, 2017 at 12:07
- With illustrations from Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga,Write a composition that shows the role of the elite in bringing about change in a society.(Solved)
With illustrations from Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga,Write a composition that shows the role of the elite in bringing about change in a society.
Date posted: June 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Illustrate how women suffer the effects of gender inequality and discrimination in the African Traditional Society as depicted in the River and the Source.(Solved)
Illustrate how women suffer the effects of gender inequality and discrimination in the African Traditional Society as depicted in the River and the Source.
Date posted: June 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Show how Irony has been used in Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Bretch.(Solved)
Show how Irony has been used in Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Bretch.
Date posted: June 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- "The Caucasian Chalk Circle is an embodiment of justice" . Write an essay to illustrate this in close reference to Bertolt Bretch' s the Caucasian Chalk Circle.(Solved)
"The Caucasian Chalk Circle is an embodiment of justice" . Write an essay to illustrate this in close reference to Bertolt Bretch' s the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: June 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Bertolt Bretch has used Betrayal as a major concern in Caucasian Chalk Circle.Write an essay to illustrate this.(Solved)
Bertolt Bretch has used Betrayal as a major concern in Caucasian Chalk Circle. Write an essay to illustrate this.
Date posted: June 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write a composition to show how Bertolt Bretch has used the theme of Self-sacrifice in Caucasian chalk circle.(Solved)
Write a composition to show how Bertolt Bretch has used the theme of Self-sacrifice in Caucasian chalk circle.
Date posted: June 19, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write a composition to illustrate how materialism or greed have been used by Bertolt Bretch in his play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.(Solved)
Write a composition to illustrate how materialism or greed have been used by Bertolt Bretch in his play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: June 19, 2017. Answers (1)
Negligence is one of the major concerns Bertolt Bretch has used in the play Caucasian Chalk Circle.Write an essay in support of the above statement.(Solved)
Negligence is one of the major concerns Bertolt Bretch has used in the play Caucasian Chalk Circle.Write an essay in support of the above statement.
Date posted: June 19, 2017. Answers (1)
- Love is one of the major issues Bertolt Bretch strongly brings out in the play the caucasian Chalk Circle.
Write a composition in support of the above statement with close reference to the novel.(Solved)
Love is one of the major issues Bertolt Bretch strongly brings out in the play the caucasian Chalk Circle.
Write a composition in support of the above statement with close reference to the novel.
Date posted: June 19, 2017. Answers (1)
- Use of song is a strong tool of communication.Write a composition in support ot this statement with close refernce to Bertolt Brecht's play 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle'(Solved)
Use of song is a strong tool of communication.Write a composition in support ot this statement with close refernce to Bertolt Brecht's play 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle'
Date posted: June 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- Bertolt Brecht's play The Caucasian Chalk Circle are two stories that come together at the end. Support this statement with details from the text giving.(Solved)
Bertolt Brecht's play The Caucasian Chalk Circle are two stories that come together at the end. Support this statement with details from the text given.
Date posted: June 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- Abuse of power is one of the major issues Bertolt Brecht strongly brings out in this play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Write a composition in support of the above statement with close reference to the novel.(Solved)
Abuse of power is one of the major issues Bertolt Brecht strongly brings out in this play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Write a composition in support of the above statement with close reference to the novel.
Date posted: June 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- Use of Proverb is an art that is only mastered by the wise,intelligent and enlightened.Using the text The Caucasian Chalk Circle support the above statement. (Solved)
Use of Proverb is an art that is only mastered by the wise,intelligent and enlightened.Using the text The Caucasian Chalk Circle support the above statement.
Date posted: June 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Poor governance has consequences." Write a composition to illustrate this statement drawing your illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle.(Solved)
"Poor governance has consequences." Write a composition to illustrate this statement drawing your illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: June 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Along his traffic towards justice,Bertolt Brecht in The Caucasian Chalk Circle makes an extensive use of songs." Pick any three songs and show how the playwright uses each of them to develop the plot.(20 marks)(Solved)
"Along his traffic towards justice,Bertolt Brecht in The Caucasian Chalk Circle makes an extensive use of songs." Pick any three songs and show how the playwright uses each of them to develop the plot.(20 marks)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- "In all the cases he listens to,Adzak delivers rulings that consider the weak in society(Solved)
"In all the cases he listens to, Adzak delivers rulings that consider the weak in society as opposed to the affluent" Closely referring to any three rulings delivered by the judge in The Caucasian Chalk Circle,show how far true this statement is.
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- "A mother is born. She is never made merely by conceiving,carrying a pregnancy and being delivered of a baby" Closely referring to The Caucasian Chalk Circle show how far true this statement is.(20 marks)(Solved)
"A mother is born. She is never made merely by conceiving,carrying a pregnancy and being delivered of a baby" Closely referring to The Caucasian Chalk Circle show how far true this statement is.
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- "When a person combines power and wealth,the person becomes both insensitive and vulnerable to simple manipulation."Write an essay to justify the statement closely referring to Governor George Abashwili in The Caucasian chalk Circle.(Solved)
"When a person combines power and wealth,the person becomes both insensitive and vulnerable to simple manipulation."Write an essay to justify the statement closely referring to Governor George Abashwili in The Caucasian chalk Circle.
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- The "prologue is a clear indicator of what is to happen later in the play."Using illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,Write an essay to support this statement.(20 Marks)(Solved)
The "prologue is a clear indicator of what is to happen later in the play."Using illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,Write an essay to support this statement.(20 Marks)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below and answer the question that follow(Solved)
Read the extract below and answer the question that follow
"At least she is from the country,"he said sounding a bit odd.She looked at him and them lowered her eyes to the latter.It was characteristically Aoro-brief and to the point.She felt kind of sorry for Mark.First there had been Becky who had left home unceremoniously only to return with a white man in tow.A very nice man but apparently not nice enough for Becky.He had found out that she was having an affair during his trips abroad and had sued for a divorce.Now she was living alone with the children,financially well off,but unhappy.
It was one thing to enjoy the thrills of an affair,but a different thing altogether to have a carte blanche to do exactly as you pleased.John had been terribly hurt of course and Mark had been furious with her.
Then Tony had joined priesthood-Mark resisted it at first but recently during Tony's ordination he had been full of pride for his son-whose face had shoe joy and youthful dedication.
Vera's case had been the hardest to accept.Mark thought of the world of Vera,and declared that she wanted to join the catholic Prelature of Opus Dei as a non-marrying member.It didn't help that Mark had never heard the Opus Dei and could not understand why Vera could not Marry.But he had eventually accepted because he loved her.Because she looked so happy,so radiant.Anything that could bring such joy and serenity could not be that bad.It was a pity though that she did not wear a veil or a habit.That way he could at least have bragged about her a little to his friends.His children were a source of great envy to his less lucky friends.Vera for one was a fully qualified electronics expert and had a lucrative job in the city with a large salary and all sorts of benefits.Women like that tend to marry the most amazing wimps and Mark had held his breath in fear.But in the end all Vera wanted was to dedicate her life and work to God,and there was no turning back.
So Elizabeth secretly hoped that Aoro would bring home a nice girl-naturally a luo like himself - who would proceed to have many children all of ordinary black colour.
a)Place this excerpt in its immediate context(4 marks)
b)"At least she is from the country."Who is the 'she' referred to in this excerpt(2 marks)
c)"She felt kind of sorry for mark."Make notes on why Elizabeth feels sorry for her husband(4 marks)
d) Identify instances of use of irony in this excerpt(4 marks)
e)It is apparent that Mark is uncomfortable with the choices made by his children.Cite evidence in this excerpt to support this statement.
f)Describe the character of mark and Becky in this excerpt
g)Mention and illustrate any two themes in this excerpt(4 marks)
h)"First there had been Becky who had left home unceremoniously only to return with a white man in tow."(Rewrite beginning:Not only......)
Date posted: June 16, 2017. Answers (1)