1. Work is essential to the well being of the individual and survival of the community
2. Work ensured basic needs such as food, shelters etc were provided.
3. In traditional African society work was divided according to the age, gender, and status
e.g. chief, elder of the individual.
4. Everyone was a worker. Boys assisted in herding, fishing. Girls assisted in cooking, fetching
firewood. Women cooked, took care of babies constructed houses (Maasai) etc.
5. Works among the traditional African societies included pastoralists, farmers, livestock
keeping, fishing, bee keeping etc
6. Work was a communal affair; people would work together and assist each other
7. Work was not for a wage (Money). The rewards of work-included food, communal unity,
acquisition of moral values etc.
8. Hard work was emphasized, laziness was condemned
9. There were some specific works for specialization e.g. herbal medicine men, divination,
prophecy, rain making, pottery etc.
10. Work involved giving prayers, offerings, and sacrifices to God
11. Through work, the basic needs of the individual, community were fulfilled
12. Through work potentials; talents and skills were explored, acquired and utilized.
13. Work had a religious dimension as well as a social dimension. It brought people together
improving their relations
mrmmumo answered the question on February 28, 2019 at 11:33
- General reasons why people work(Solved)
General reasons why people work
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