(i) They held a national day of the confession in which they fasted and put sackcloths as a sign of penitence.
(ii) They separated themselves from foreigners.
(iii) Ezra led the people in a prayer of confession in which he recounted God's love and faithfulness to His promises.
(iv) The covenant was sealed through signing of the agreement by the leaders who included Nehemiah, the princes, priests and Levites.
(v) The people promised to live in accordance with the Mosaic Law and carry out its precepts.
(vi) Nehemiah re-distributed the population of the Jews in Jerusalem and country side.
(vii) Community leaders were settled in Jerusalem to safeguard it against external attacks.
(viii) Nehemiah kept a record of the leaders who took residence in Jerusalem.
(ix) The entire Jewish community gathered in public square in Jerusalem.
(x) Ezra was asked to read the Law to the people.
(xi) The people performed ritual gestures of raising and lowering their heads and bodies as a sign of repentance.
(xii) They re-enacted the Feast of Booths/ Shelters and dwelt in makeshift huts.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 20, 2017 at 13:35
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Give ways in which Jesus played the role of a prophet.
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Give ways in which Christians show their belief in God.
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List different ways through which people communicate with the spirit world in traditional African communities.
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Describe why traditional African communities offer sacrifices to God.
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Describe how the Church in Kenya prepares new converts for full membership.
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Give the conditions that were given to the Israelites during the renewal of the covenant.
Date posted: June 19, 2017. Answers (1)