i. Ideas of Copernicus and Galileo which insisted on Heliocentricism
ii. Ideas of Descarton and Methodic doubts until one get the truth. He stated his existence and concluded that if he can question his existence, what about the church?
iii. Ideas of Spinoza that God is everywhere not heaven and should not be restricted to heaven.
iv. Regarding Spinoza’s view he discovered several universes.
v. Religious people couldn’t defend themselves but rely on revelations.
vi. Most scientists were Christians before so the could be the bible in criticism.
vii. Most religious people had no knowledge on science.
viii. Most interventions by scientists were used by religious people in their works e.g radio microphones, T.vs, ,hence it was beneficial to them.
ix. The church was excessively authoritative.
x. The coming of philosophy which could ask questions like; Who is God? Does he exist?
xi. The split in Christianity into protestants, Eastern Orthodox and Catholics weakened Christian’s but science fought as a block.
xii. Science began to develop by non-Christians.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 2, 2019 at 07:06
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