1. Persuading a variety of people to accept the new curriculum
? people do not like change by nature as it can be destabilizing and uncomfortable.
? Many people in authority, teachers and parents have to be persuaded about the new curriculum
2. Keeping the public informed-
? Public should be kept informed about the new curriculum through newsletters, magazines, newspapers, radio and television.
? It can also be done through the ministry of education field offices.
3. Educating the teachers
? Teachers involved must understand and accept the ideas contained in the new curriculum
? The teachers should be taken through specially designed educational programs (both serving and teacher trainees).
? Teachers involved must understand and accept the ideas contained in the new curriculum
? The teachers should be taken through specially designed educational programs (both serving and teacher trainees).
4. Educating the teacher educator
? This group of educational personnel has key responsibility in curriculum development process
? They include educational administrators, quality assurance officers, and teacher trainer/tutors/lecturers/advisors.
5. Providing continuous support for the teachers
? Teachers and head teachers need a lot of support from quality assurance officers, educational administrators and other educational authorities during the implementation
? The field officers are concerned with the maintenance of general standards in the institutions
6. Providing the necessary facilities and equipment
? Implementation of a new curriculum will require improvement of already existing facilities or equipment or provision of new facilities where they do not exist
? For the school curriculum, this can be done by partnerships of parents, community and educational authorities.
? For institutional curriculum, this may be the sole responsibility of the institution
7. Supply of curriculum materials
? Production of materials
? Purchasing
? Delivery
? Storage
? Institutions should get efficient service at the lowest cost possible
8. Presentation of the new curriculum
? The presentation should start at the bottom of the ladder and move year by year.
9. Instituting appropriate assessment methods
? Assessment methods adopted should support or facilitate the achievement of the objectives set in the curriculum.
? The actual methods will have been designed at the time of planning the curriculum.
10. Providing continuous support for the teachers
? Teachers and head teachers need a lot of support from quality assurance officers, educational administrators and other educational authorities during the implementation
? The field officers are concerned with the maintenance of general standards in the institutions
Wilfykil answered the question on March 2, 2019 at 07:17