An organization has been defined as a social system that carries out or pursues specific tasks and objectives for which it is intended and structured. From this definition, it seems right to expect that since different organizations are meant to fulfill different objectives they should be structured differently. Basically, however, a typical organization has in its make-up, a group of people who are frequently interacting with each other in their needs to perform and fulfill the organizational objective; they often use a stereotyped system of practices and procedures, follow general regulations and rules. A typical organization has a formal structure, a system of relationships, a hierarchical order, a power or authority structure, positions held, roles distributed, obligations, improved expectations stated,. A network of informal relationships develops between and among the members of the organization. But above all, there is an expression of the goal which the organization is striving to attain.
However, ordinary a society is in its organization, its goals and objectives are what make it different.Having pointed out the basic characteristics of an organization and the importance of stating its goals, it is inevitable to ask the question: does the school fit the organizational picture presented above? Does the school’s make-up include the has post-pone it’s to enable it to pursue tasks and attain its goals? Is there a promulgated goal or goals to be attained by the school? How do the various formal and informal school structures interact and contribute to the attainment of or failure to attain its goals. All these questions, and many more like them, are important for assessing the value or even the validity of any education system. Experts in sociology of education, and many other interested people , view the school as a social organization as a pertinent source of sociological issues, particularly in view of the fact that the school has been given the sole task of educating or socializing children in order to make them responsible members o f the society.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 2, 2019 at 08:13
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