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What are the problems facing hydro-electric power projects in Kenya?


State the problems facing hydro-electric power projects in Kenya.



a) Fluctuating river regime. In some years the expected amount of rainfall is below average. Water levels in the reservoirs drop. This has led to power rationing for both domestic and industrial uses.

(b) Inadequate capital for hydroelectric power development. The development of HEP projects requires huge initial investments that the country does not have. The construction of HEP plants entails borrowing huge amounts of capital from foreign donors to build the power stations. The repayment terms are unfriendly to the local economy and the interest rates are usually high.
(b) Siltation. Siltation due to soil erosion reduces the capacity of the reservoirs. Desilting the reservoirs is cumbersome and expensive.

(d) Displacement of people. The construction of dams and creation of reservoirs may cause displacement of people leading to overcrowding in the areas they are relocated to. The relocated people may increase population in areas they have been settled thus increasing pressure on the available resources.

(e) Diseases. Creation of reservoirs may lead to the occurrence of waterborne diseases such as malaria and bilharzia since the water is almost stagnant.


(i) Inadequate capital to expand the projects.

(ii) High cost of transmission of power from remote sites.

(iii) High cost of maintenance of machines.

(iv) Seasonal fluctuation of water levels in the rivers.

(v) Frequent silting of reservoirs.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 06:24

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