Discuss the type of Leadership.


Discuss the type of Leadership.



Leadership can categorized according the approaches taken by leaders the commonly description of leadership autocratic leadership which basically a dictorctorial style of leadership in which the leader control all decision making the applicability of such leadership may vary according to organization . it can also be determined by to those who are lead.

1. Transnational leadership

-This kind of leadership identify what the subordinates need to do to achieve objectives clarify organizational roles and tasks set up an organization structure, reward performance and are considerate for social needs of followers. Such leaders work hard and try to run the organization effectively and efficiently (Harol k & Heinz w, 2008). Transformational leaders articulate a vision and inspire followers. They also have the capacity to motivate, shape the organizational culture, and create a climate favorable for organizational change.

2.Democratic leadership

This kind of leadership style is a consultative leader in the leader consult his followers before he make any decision. The in this allowed employees or his followers to participate in decision. This leader who appreciate the potential of his followers to contribute positively in the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives.

3.Free – rein leader.

a leader in this case uses his or her subordinates a high degree of independence I their operations. Such leaders depend largely on the subordinate to set their own goals and the means of achieving them, and they see their role as one of aiding the operations of their followers.
Employee centered leadership and task oriented at Ohio State University in America a study was carry out by researchers on effectiveness of what was called “initiating structure” task- oriented and “ consideration” “employee oriented “ the leadership behaviors the revealed that employee turnover rates were lowest and employee satisfaction highest under leaders who more of task oriented and the opposite for those who were more of employee oriented .this has been cited by (James s Edward F & Daniel Jr ,1995).

4.Directive leadership

-according to Laurie m (2008) refer a leader who let the subordinates know exactly know what is expected of them and giving specific directions. Subordinate are expected to follow the rules and regulations rule and regulations Laurie also brought another angle of describing an leader as supportive leadership this type of leadership is that the leader involves a friendly and approachable manner and displaying concern for the needs and welfare of the subordinates
marto answered the question on March 4, 2019 at 09:03

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