State and explain three pollution effects of Nitrogen compounds.


State and explain three pollution effects of Nitrogen compounds.



1. Acid rain
- Nitrogen (II) oxide is produced in internal combustion engines on combination of nitrogen and oxygen.
- Nitrogen (II) oxide oxidized to nitrogen (IV) oxide which dissolves in water to form nitric (III) and nitric (V) acids.
- Nitric (v) acid eventually reaches ground as acid rain and causes:
? Loss of chlorophyll (chlorosis) from leaves
? Corrosion of stone buildings and metallic structures, weakening them and destroying beauty.
? Leaching of vital minerals from soils. These are converted into soluble nitrates and washed away from top soil. This leads to poor crop yields.

2. Smog formation.
- Nitrogen (IV) oxide also undergoes series of chemical reactions in air to produce one of the major components of smog.
- Smog reduces visibility for motorists, irritates eyes and causes breathing problems.

3. Eutrophication:
- Refers to enrichment of water with excess nutrients for algal growth.
- Presence of nitrate ions from nitrogen fertilizers in a water mass encourages rapid growth of algae.
- This eventually leads to reduction of dissolved oxygen in water, killing aquatic animals like fish.
- Presence of nitrate ions in drinking water may also cause ill health to humans. This is because they are converted into carcinogenic compounds.
Kavungya answered the question on March 5, 2019 at 11:20

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