List the uses of chlorine gas and its compounds.


List the uses of chlorine gas and its compounds.



1. Manufacture of hydrochloric acid.
2. Used in form of bleaching powder in textile and paper industries.
3. For sterilization of water for both domestic and industrial use and in swimming pools.
4. Used in sewage treatment e.g. NaOClO3 solution used in latrines.
5. Manufacture of plastics (polyvinyl chloride; PVC)
6. Manufacture of germicides, pesticides and fungicides e.g. DDT and some CFCs.
7. CFCs are used to manufacture aerosol propellants.
8. Manufacture of solvents such as trichloromethane and some chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
9. CFCs are commonly freons are used as refrigerants in fridges and air condition units due to their low boiling points.
10. Manufacture of chloroform, an aesthetic.
Kavungya answered the question on March 5, 2019 at 12:28

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