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Using the Fat Prince and his fellow soldiers in The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay to show the effect of military coups in Africa


Using the Fat Prince and his fellow soldiers in The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay to show the effect of military coups in Africa.




African leaders sometimes assume power and start plundering state resources.This in turn brings a lot of suffering to the citizens of a particular state.In Kafira too,the fat prince assumed his power in many instances and it brought a lot of problems to the citizens of Kafira
On the Easter Sunday morning governor George Abashwili seems so insensitive to the people,We learn that he does not want to listen to them.He appoints one of his servants to write down their petitions and as they try to come close to baby Michael,they are whipped away by his soldiers.

Using his popularity,The fat prince organizes his friends supported by many soldiers to overthrow his brothers government.As he escapes,he is caught by the soldiers and beheaded.

To show really the execution has taken place,,his head is hanged on the entrance to the palace.All the servants in th governors house escape even the Governors wife leaving behind the the child Michael
The coup brought about many changes most of which are negative in Kafira. Displacement of people, the royal family is forced to flee the city, and population decrease, Grusha escaped with baby Michael to the Northern mountains. The effects of trade commodities were seen by many Grusha included, she bought milk at high prices.
In conclusion, military coups hardly benefit anyone even those in power.

marto answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 08:01

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