Explain how the following factors affects the rate evaporation: i)Pressure deficit. ii)Turbulence. iii)Heat supply. iv)Surface conditions.


Explain how the following factors affects the rate evaporation:
i)Pressure deficit.
iii)Heat supply.
iv)Surface conditions.



i)Pressure deficit: rate of evaporation is proportional to the difference between the vapor pressure at the surface and the vapor pressure of the overlying air.
ii)Turbulence caused by wind and thermal convection – transports the vapor from the surface layer, allowing evaporation to continue.
iii)Heat supply – gives energy for evaporation to occur.
iv)Conditions at the surface – e.g. dissolved salts reduce vapor pressure of a water surface affects rate of evaporation independently.
jim items answered the question on March 5, 2019 at 17:21

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