(i) God liberated the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
(ii) He helped the Israelites to cross the Red Sea by instructing Moses to strike the waters with his rod thus creating a dry path.
(iii) He made the Egyptian soldiers who were pursuing the Israelites in the Red Sea to drown.
(iv) He provided water for the Israelites when they were thirsty by turning the bitter water into sweet water at Marah. He also asked Moses to strike a rock at Mount Sinai and water came from it for them to drink.
(v) He provided for them food in the form of manna(bread) and quails for many years.
(vi) He enabled the Israelites to defeat the desert tribes, especially the Amelekites.
(vii) He led the Israelites by a pillar of fire during the night and a pillar of cloud during the day.
(viii) He made a covenant with the Israelites in which He gave them the Ten Commandments to guide them in their relationship with God and their fellow human beings
(ix) He renewed the covenant with the Israelites after they broke the first one to show that He was a forgiving God.
(x) He provided leaders like Moses, Aaron and Joshua through whom He could lead the Israelites.
(xi) He dwelt among the Israelites trough the Ark of the Covenant.
What is the Exodus and how did God take care of the Israelites during the Exodus?
An Exodus is a mass movement of people from one place to another. It was this journey out of Egypt through the harsh wilderness that we call Exodus. During the Exodus, God took care of the Israelites in various ways as follows:
- The crossing of the Red Sea, which God miraculously enabled the Israelites to accomplish when the Egyptians were pursuing them He instructed Moses to use his rod and divide the water. All the Egyptians were drowned.
- Provision of water. Moses sought God's guidance in a bid to request for water. God told Moses to throw a tree into the water. The bitter water turned sweet, ready for consumption. This was at a place called Marah. At Rephidim, God told Moses to strike a rock with his rod and water ?owed from it.
- God provided manna and quails. Manna came each morning while quails came in large flocks.
- God provided security from the hostile desert communities, especially the Amalekites. Joshua led the Israelites against the Amalekites while Moses held his hands up.
- God guided the Israelites throughout the weary journey in the wilderness. During the day, a cloud guided them while a pillar of ?re gave them direction at night.
- God commissioned Moses to rule, govern and administer the Israelites through the wilderness
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 09:11
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