(i) They observed the Sabbath as a day of worship.
(ii) They prayed to God.
(iii) They held the Covenant ceremony at Mt Sinai.
(iv) They paid a tithe for the upkeep of the Tent of meeting.
(v) They consecrated the Tent meeting.
(vi) They built a Tebernacle (Tent of Meeting) which symbolised God's presence among them.
(vii) They burnt incense to the Lord, Yahweh.
(viii) They gave offerings of various articles such as silver, gold and bronze to God.
(ix) They celebrated the three yearly feast ( the Passover, the Pentecost and the Tabernacles) to honour and thank God.
(x) All the men folk presented themselves to God three times a year.
(xi) They built an altar of earth for God in places where God appeared to them.
(xii) Different kinds of sacrifices such as holocoust, communion sacrifices, sin offerings and others from their flocks were burnt on the altar.
(xiii) They honoured the altar of God and kept it holy.
(xiv) They approached God's altar with respect.
(xv) They kept the Ten Commandments to guide them in their daily lives.
(xvi) They assembled at the foot of the Mount Sinai where God gave them the Ten Commandments.
Ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness during the
(i) They celebrated the three yearly feasts to honour and thank God- the Passover Pentecost and Tabernacle.
(ii) Three times a year all the men-folk presumed themselves before God
(iii) They built an altar of earth for God
(iv) On the alter they sacrificed the holocaust and communion sacrifices from their flocks and heads
(v) They hallowed the altar of God/ kept it holy
(vi) Approached God’s altar with respect/ honour/ reverence
(vii) They observed the ten commandment to guide them in their day to day living
(viii) They assembled at the foot of Mount Sinai and God gave them the Ten commandments
(ix) They made tabernacle (tent of meeting) which symbolized God’s presence among them.
(x) They gave offerings of various articles to God e.g. gold, bronze, silver and oil
(xi) They burnt incense to the Lord
(xii) They observed the Sabbath as a day of worship
(xiii) They prayed to God/ some praised / danced
(xiv) They held the covenant ceremony at mount Sinai
(xv) They paid a tithe for upkeep of the tabernacle
(xvi) They consecrated the tent of meeting
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 11:15
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