-Bench vice
This is most commonly used tool for holding the work. It has two jaws one of which is fixed to
the bench and other slides with the aid of square screw and a box nut arrangement. The outer end
of screw carries a handle, and a collar prevents the screw from coming out of the unit while
rotating. The sliding jaw moves close to the fixed jaw to hold the work and the tightening force
is exerted by further rotation of handle. The working faces of jaws are serrated to give additional

-Pipe Vice
It is generally used for holding round sections, tubes and pipes etc. It has two serrated jaws, one
is fixed and the other is moved by rotation of handle. It is used in plumbing work and it grips the
circular objects at four points on its surfaces.

-Hand vice
It is used for gripping small objects like screw, rivets, and keys when they are inconvenient to
hold by the bench vice. It has two legs made of Mild steel which holds two jaws at the top and
are hinged together at the bottom. A spring is provided between these legs to keep them away.
The work is held between the serrated jaws by means of a wing nut and screw.

-Pin vice
It is used for holding small parts such as wires, nails and pins. It consists of three jaw selfcentering
chuck which is operated by turning the handle to hold work.

-Tool makers vice
It is a small vice made of mild steel used for holding small jobs which requires fitting or drilling.
It is used by tool and die makers and silver smiths to hold small jobs.

Kavungya answered the question on
March 6, 2019 at 11:17