Discuss factors to consider when selecting a well site in an agricultural land as source of water for farming.


Discuss factors to consider when selecting a well site in an agricultural land as source of water for farming.



-The well is accessible for cleaning, testing, monitoring, maintenance and repair
-The ground surrounding the well is sloped away from the well to prevent any surface run off from collecting or ponding.
-The well is up-slope and as far as possible from potential contamination sources such as septic systems, barnyards or surface water bodies.
-The well is not housed in any building other than a bona fide pump house.
-The pump house must be properly vented to the outside to prevent any build-up of dangerous naturally
occurring gases and must house only the well and pumping equipment.
-The well is not located in a well pit.
jim items answered the question on March 6, 2019 at 11:32

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