(i) David wanted to build a Temple for God where the Ark be of the Covenant would be kept.
(ii) He conquered the enemies of Israel so that the Israelites could live in peace and get time for the worship of God.
(iii) He brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem which was a symbol of God's presence among His people.
(iv) He made Jerusalem the holy city by making it a religious centre.
(v) He composed many psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites.
(vi) He showed respect to the prophets of God such as Nathan and Gad by listening to their advice.
(vii) When David made any mistakes he repented and asked for God's forgiveness.
(viii) David humbled himself before Yahweh and completely submitted himself to the will of God.
(ix) He advised others to obey God and shepherd Israel to the true worship of Yahweh. For example, he advised his son, Solomon, to obey God's instructions in his rule.
(x) David constantly sought God's guidance before undertaking any activity and thanked Him for any successes he achieved.
(xi) David praised God through song and dance.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 11:45
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