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What are the causes of energy crisis in the world?


Give the causes of energy crisis in the world.



(i) Limited oil resources which are being exploited are controlled by a few countries.

(ii) Prolonged drought which lowers production of Hydro Electric Power as a result of less water hence calling for more demand on petroleum.

(iii) Artificial shortages may be created by the oil-producing countries by withholding the oil.

(iv) Rapid depletion of oil reserves.

(v) Political disagreement leading to shortage of oil due to delays at border points.

(vi) Inadequate alternative sources of energy that can fit the position of oil causes over reliance on oil and oil products.

(vii) Improvement in technology resulting into many machines that consume a lot of energy leading to shortage hence causing a crisis.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 13:32

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